CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

субота, 13. март 2021.

Shark Aid ~ Powder of dried shark cartilage /Ajkulina hrskavica


Shark Aid ~ Powder of dried shark cartilage /Ajkulina hrskavica

Shark Aid je dijetetski suplement koji sadrži hrskavicu ajkule, koja efikasno potpomaže zdravo funkcionisanje zglobova. 

Ajkulina hrskavica je bogata supstancama koje imaju te osobine i koje se takođe nalaze medu komponentama ljudske hrskavice, kao što su hondroitin sulfat, poznat između ostalog i po svom antiinflamatornom efektu.

Samlevena čista ajkulina hrskavica sa belančevinama i ugljenim hidratima, u interesu efikasnog funkcionisanja imunog sistema.

Ajkule žive na Zemlji vec 400 miliona godina u nepromenjenom obliku. Spadaju u živa bića sa najprostijom građom, evolucija ih nije doticala, a njihov organizam je podređen opstanku u svakom pogledu.


Njihov imuni sistem je snažan i efikasan. Rane im brzo zarastaju i skoro nikad ne dobijaju infekciju. 99 procenata riba mogu da obole od raka, ali organizam ajkula se uvek odupire tumorskim oboljenjima.

Tokom ispitivanja na Tehnološkom institutu Masacusetsa (Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT) istraživači su došli do sledećeg zakljucka:

 u telu ajkule nema ni jedne kosti, postoje samo hrskavice.

Ajkulina hrskavica sadrži belančevine koje sprečavaju razvoj mreže krvnih sudova (angiogenezu) koji snabdevaju tumore hranljivim materijama i na taj način sprečavaju rast tumora. Ugljeni hidrati koji se nalaze u ajkulinoj hrskavici imaju imunoregulativno i antiinflamatorno dejstvo.

Sadržaj 1 tablete:    Samlevena sušena ajkulina hrskavica    750 mg

Pakovanje:        90 tableta

Upotreba:    Ukoliko lekar drugačije ne odredi, 3 puta 2 tablete dnevno, pola sata pre obroka.


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 Shark Aid ~ Powder of dried shark cartilage

Shark a perfect living arrangement. Sharks never rest, never sleep, and besides never get cancer. What is the reason that cancer occurs in 99% of the fish but sharks - no?


  Biochemist Carl Luer from Florida found that the composition of shark cartilage contain proteins that inhibit the formation of blood vessels feeding the tumor, ie, stop angiogenesis. If the vascular system supplying the cancerous tissue and connecting the tumor to healthy tissue can not develop, then possibility of growth of cancerous tumor disappears, and stop its spread to healthy parts of the body, ie, the development of metastases.

Sharks have a very strong and effective immune system. Wounds in sharks heal very quickly, and they have never infectious diseases. In contrast to the human body, shark's immune system produces continuously antibodies, which are constantly present in the blood. A human's immune system usually resides in "sleep" state and is activated only at the time that any danger appears.


Can be considered firmly established that the extract of shark cartilage can be successfully used for cancer prevention, and in some cases - also for the treatment of tumors. Shark cartilage can be successfully used also for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other inflammatory processes in the joints. It can be used for psoriasis and other inflammatory skin diseases, eye diseases, developed as a result of diabetes.


Shark cartilage is not a substitute for surgery, radiation treatment or cytostatics. Supplements with shark cartilage can be applied only after a 4-5 weeks after such therapy. Supplements with shark cartilage should be used under medical supervision.
Shark cartilage can not be applied to pregnant women, in fractures, patients after a heart attack or a serious operation. In such cases, it can be given not earlier than after 4-5 weeks. Do not assign shark cartilage children!

Recommended dosage: 3 x 2 capsules daily or as directed by your doctor.


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