Menopausal Formula
Tokom i nakon menopauze, metabolizam kod žena se menja. Rizik od određenih bolesti, kao što su osteoporoza i kardiovaskularne bolesti (koje se mogu sprečiti) se povećava. Proizvodom "Menopausal Formula", nudimo vam mešavinu aktivnih sastojaka koji na prirodan način umanjuju neprijatne simptome menopauze (nervozu, promene raspoloženja, toplotne valunge, dobijanje na težini) i smanjuju rizike od daljih oboljenja koje ove promene nose sa sobom.
Ako je pak već ranije postojala neka od navedenih bolesti, za vreme klimakterijuma obično dolazi do njenog pogoršanja. Da bi se tegobe u menopauzi lakše prebrodile, pravo rešenje predstavlja povratak prirodi, odnosno zdraviji način života, koji podrazumeva pravilniju ishranu, dovoljno flzičke aktivnosti i relaksacije, uz primenu lekovitih biljaka i prirodnih dodataka ishrani.
Unos kalcijuma i vitamina D3 može biti od posebne važnosti za odbranu zdravlja koštanog sistema, utoliko pre što ove dve materije često nedostaju u ishrani žena. Takođe, od ključnog značaja je i doziranje magnezijuma, bora, hroma i cinka. Antioksidanti koji štite ćelije – vitamini A, C i E, beta-karotin i selen – jačaju otpornu sposobnost organizma prema bolestima. Rastavić deluje kao diuretik, a Kineska anđelika ojačava muskulaturu materice. Sibirski ženšen stimuliše umnu i fizičku snagu i ublažava simptome koji potiču od nedostatka ženskih polnih hormona a izaziva ih menopauza. Slatki koren pomaže u savladavanju depresija i štiti imuni sistem i jetru. Protiv problema u vezi sa nervnim sistemom efikasan je koren Crnog kohoča. Blaženi čkalj prečišćava krv i jača želudac. Kostrika stimuliše stvaranje progesterona.
Vitamin A
150 µg
4.5 mg
Vitamin D3
2 µg
Vitamin C
100 mg
Vitamin E
40 mg
Vitamin B1
2.5 mg
Vitamin B2
2.5 mg
Vitamin B3
7.5 mg
Vitamin B4
40 µg
Vitamin B5
5 mg
Vitamin B6 (piridoksin)
2.5 mg
Vitamin B12
5 µg
30 µg
2.5 mg
2.5 mg
2.5 mg
100 mg
50 mg
10 mg
3 mg
200 µg
1 mg
500 µg
15 µg
10 µg
20 µg
15 µg
300 µg
650 µg
7.5 mg
Sibirski ženšen
10 mg
Ekstrakt slatkog korena
10 mg
Koren crnog kohoca
10 mg
Blaženi čkalj
10 mg
10 mg
Kompleks bioflavonoida
1 mg
Pakovanje: 135 kapsula
Upotreba: Ukoliko lekar drugacije ne odredi, 3 puta po 3 tablete dnevno.
ONLINE registracija na linku :
Menopausal Formula
For women in menopause. It contains vitamin B6 which contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity while vitamins B1 and B12 contribute to normal psychological function and normal functioning of the nervous system.
Produced for: CaliVita International B.V. Beursplein 37, 3001 DC Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Best before: see side of pack.
Retail price | 49.21 € |
Club price | 37.00 € |
During and after menopause, women’s body and metabolism change. The
risk of certain preventable illnesses increase (such as osteoporosis,
cardiovascular diseases). In Menopausal Formula, we offer a blend of
such active ingredients that can naturally decrease the unpleasant
symptoms of menopause (irritability, heat waves, weight gain) and
decrease the higher risks originating from the changes.
To find out who and why may need this product and obtain more, interesting information :
Why Choose
- With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
- We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
- During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
- We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
- Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
- The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
- The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
150 mcg Vitamin A
4.5 mg Beta Carotene
2 mcg Vitamin D3
100 mg Vitamin C
40 mg Vitamin E
2.5 mg Vitamin B1
2.5 mg Vitamin B2
7.5 mg Niacinamide
40 mcg Folic acid
5 mg Pantothenic acid
2.5 mg Vitamin B6
5 mcg Vitamin B12
30 mcg Biotin
2.5 mg Para-amino benzoic acid
2.5 mg Choline
2.5 mg Inositol
100 mg Calcium
50 mg Magnesium
3 mg Zinc
200 mcg Copper
1 mg Iron
500 mcg Manganese
15 mcg Iodine
10.5 mcg Selenium
20 mcg Chromium
15 mcg Molybdenum
300 mcg Boron
650 mcg Field Horsetail
7.5 mg Dong Quai Root
10 mg Siberian Ginseng
10 mg Licorice root
10 mg Black cohosh root
10 mg Blessed Thistle
10 mg Chasteberry
1 mg Bioflavonoid complex
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