CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

среда, 30. март 2016.

Liquid Chlorophyll

Dosage: 1 teaspoon daily
Package : 473 ml
Regular price: €41.63 Sale price: €31.30

First line of defense from any cancirogens  in the food or enviroment are things that are stoping mutation of the gens. Chlorphyll is the strongest substance from the nature  that has ability to stop the deadly gentic mutations.
Clorophyll is a product that contains copper salt and chlorophyll  isolated from clover alfalfa. Chlorophyll is a substance that is now considered the most powerful natural tool to protect the body from cell changes that can lead to uncontrolled tumor growth. This is a substance capable of forming strong bonds with chemicals that are known to cause cancer – polyaromatic hydrocarbons found in cigarette smoke, heterocyclic amines in fried and cooked meet and aflatoxin-B1 (a mycotoxin from dangerous mold in food). Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites of certain fungi, especially molds. They are generally considered inevitable pollutants food for humans and animals and they are a big problem around the world. Formation of mycotoxins starts already in the field, continues in the warehouse where toxinogenic mold or begin or continue their formation. Until now it has been discovered more than 400 different secondary metabolites of mold, among which the most important are aflatoxins. Almost all mycotoxins are cytotoxic and they destroy cellular structures such as membrans and interfering with vital cellular processes such as protein synthesis, RNA and DNA. Using Chlorophyll in every day diet we reduce the amount of harmful chemicals entering the bloodstream from gastrointestonal tract.
Acting on the enzyme cytohrome P 450 in the liver, prevents malignant transformation of  DNA into liver cells, which are a direct result of cancirogens  that our liver everyday encounters.
Chlorophyll are among the strongest ever detected antioxidant substances. Use of chlorophyll  significantly reduces levels of oxidative damage caused by chemicals and radiation. Furthermore, chlorphyll is recomended to those who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, circulary problems, for people who often feel exhausted and tired.
This substance makes cells more resistant to the action of bacteria, promotes wound healing, and it is used in sever cases of gastric ulcers. Chlorophyll is used as natural internal deodorant where it is used to deodorize  urin and feces of incontinent patience,  the removal of strong unpleasant smell of feet and sweat and to remove unpleasant smell from the mouth.

We recommend use of Liquid Chloropyll in case of helicobacter pylori.
  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
Ingredients/5 ml
Chlorophyllin    15 mg (as sodium copper chlorophyllin originated from alfalfa)

Liquid Chlorophyll – tečni hlorofil

Tečni Hlorofil sadrži biološki veoma aktivnu supstancu hlorofilin.

Hlorofilin potiče iz hlorofila lucerke, i predstavlja polusintetsku natrijumovu bakarnu so koja je rastvorljiva u vodi, lako se upija u gastrointestinalnom traktu i razvija dejstvo oba tipa hlorofila (A i B). Hlorofilin ima strukturu sličnu hemoglobinu u crvenim krvnim zrncima i može da prenosi kiseonik kroz telesne tečnosti.
Hlorofil je pigment koji biljkama daje zelenu boju i vrši fotosintezu bez koje ne bi bilo života na Zemlji. Hlorofil je 1915. otkrio dr. Rihard Vilštater (Richard Willstadter) i dobio Nobelovu nagradu za otkrivanje hemijske strukture koja zapravo predstavlja prstenastu policikličnu strukturu vodonika, kiseonika i ugljenika u čijem središtu se nalazi mineral magnezijum. Hlorofil je veoma dobro proučen i zna se da sa drugim pigmentima, karotinoidima i fikobilinima vrši procese fotosinteze u biljkama, algama i jednoćelijskim organizmima. Fotosinteza je proces koji sunčevu energiju pretvara u hemijsku i omogućava sintezu šećera i belančevina, metabolizam u ćelijama, kao i proizvodnju kiseonika. Bez ovih procesa ne bi bio moguć život na Zemlji.

Pored uloge u fotosintezi, hlorofil ima i veoma temeljno proučena i dokumentovana dejstva koja se koriste u izradi dodataka ishrani za poboljšanje i održavanje dobrog zdravlja:

1) sposoban je da gradi stabilne komplekse molekula sa nekim kancerogenim materijama, kao što su poliaromatski ugljikovodonici iz duvanskog dima ili aflatoksini, proizvodi nekih gljivica, a vezujući ih sprečava njihovo dejstvo da izazovu rak;
2) deluje na enzim Citohrom P 450 u jetri koji sprečava nastanak maligne transformacije DNK u ćelijama pod dejstvom kancerogenih materija;
3) snažan je antioksidant, jer sprečava oksidativna oštećenja ćelija pod dejstvom slobodnih radikala, zračenja i otrova;
4) čisti organizam od spoljašnjih otrova i od otrova nastalih u toku procesa metabolizma, pri čemu se detoksikacija vrši putem organa za disanje (nos, sinusi, disajni putevi, pluća), gastrointestinalnog trakta (želudac, jetra, žučna kesa, debelo i tanko crevo), bubrega i mokraćnih puteva, kože, kao i cirkulacije telesnih tečnosti koja obuhvata sve ćelije ljudskog organizma, donoseći hranljive materije i odnoseći otpatke (deluje dakle na sve organe koji učestvuju u detoksikaciji organizma);
5) sposoban je za alkalizaciju (povećanje pH vrednosti) organizma, znači sprečava razvoj mikroorganizama, parazita, povećava otpornost imunog sistema prema spoljašnjim štetnim uticajima i maligno izmenjenim ćelijama;
6) sprečava zapaljenje, deluje protiv reumatoidnog artritisa;
7) inhibiranjem rasta i razvoja nekih anaerobnih bakterija pomaže zarastanje rana;
8) deluje kao dezodorans tela, oduzima neprijatne mirise i zadah iz usta;
9) deluje kao opšti roborativ, sprečava starenje organizma, jača imuni sistem, popravlja cirkulaciju i varenje, zaceljuje ulkuse na sluznicama.

Svojstva hlorofila su identična sa svojstvima hlorofilina. Hlorofilin preporučujemo za održavanje dobrog zdravlja. Naime, svakom se preporučuje da povremeno očisti svoj organizam od otrova, da koristi antioksidante, da regeneriše jetru, da poboljša rad imunog sistema. Preporučujemo ga za unutrašnju dezodoraciju i sprečavanje lošeg zadaha, za bolje zarastanje rana. Može pomoći zarastanje čira na želucu, saniranje reumatoidnog artritisa, otklanjanje zatvora i kao opšti roborativ.
Dugogodišnja istraživanja su pokazala dobru podnošljivost (toksični efekti nisu poznati), ali ga ne preporučujemo trudnicama i dojiljama, jer na njima nisu vršena istraživanja.
Tokom korišćenja može obojiti mokraću, stolicu i jezik u zeleno, što ne predstavlja razlog za prekidanje primene.

ANTIKANCEROGENO DEJSTVO, jer gradi stabilne hemijske komplekse sa kancerogenim materijama, kao što su: aflatoksin B, policiklični ugljovodonici poreklom iz duvanskog dima, heterociklični amini iz dimljenog i konzervisanog mesa. Dalje podstiče CITOHROM P?450 u jetri da spreči strukturalnu izmenu DNK pod dejstvom kancerogenih materija.
ANTIOKSIDATIVNO DEJSTVO razvija zato što deluje kao snažan antioksidant, a naročito sprečava dejstvo radioaktivnih zraka, da ne deluju kao slobodni radikali.
DETOKSIKATOR, jer vezuje otrove poreklom iz spoljašnje sredine (egzogene toksine) kao i unutrašnje metaboličke otrove (endogene toksine) tako što deluje na sve one organe koji vrše detoksikaciju. To su disajni organi (nos, sinusi, pluća), gastrointestinalni trakt (želudac, jetra, žučna kesa, tanko i debelo crevo) bubreg i mokraćni putevi, koža i limfni sistem. Po nabrojanim organima se vidi da je praktično ceo organizam obuhvaćen detoksikacionom aktivnošću, zato što LIQUID CHLOROFILL prodire u sve pore ljudskog organizma i održava količinu i kvalitet ekstracelularne tečnosti.
Ljudski organizam se sastoji od 80% vode, od toga je samo 12% u krvotoku, a 62% je oko ćelija u tkz. ekstracelularnom matriksu, koji skuplja otpadne materije. Limfotok je taj koji odnosi te materije i izlučuje u debelo crevo. Debelo crevo je kolektor otrova iz celog organizma, zato treba redovno da se čisti, da ne bi došlo do reapsorpcije otrova i do samotrovanja organizma.


ALKALIZATOR, jer menja ph kiselost organizma ka bazičnom, i time sprečava razvoj mikroorganizama i jača imuni sistem.

ANTIINFLAMATORNO DEJSTVO tj. ako postoji zapaljenje u organizmu, tada smiruje upalu i pomaže ozdravljenje. Takođe pomaže zarastanje rana, bilo da su sveže rane ili ranice koje su se zapalile tj. nastale grizlice na sluznicama, afte, fisure, čirevi.

DEZODORIRA TELO, jer otklanja neprijatan zadah i miris tela. To je važno kod onih osoba koja imaju neprirodne otvore debelog creva i mokraćne bešike.

DELUJE KAO OPŠTI ROBORANS, popravlja varenje, otklanja zatvor, popravlja cirkulaciju i sprečava starenje organizma.

четвртак, 24. март 2016.

Calcium Magnesium Plus

Strong Bones PLUS K

Dosage: 2 capsules daily
Package : 100 capsules
Regular price: €21.15 Sale price: €15.90

One of the basic factors of the solidity of our skeletal structure is its mineral content. After the completion of the longitudinal growth of the bones we still can do a lot for their strength, as mineralization  can last as long as the end of our thirties. Of course after this we should not forget about the adequate intake of these substances, as they participate in many other important physiological processes as well.
Strong Bones PLUS is a preparation supporting the maintenance of the healthy bone system, normal muscle functions and the nervous system containing calcium and magnesium that we complemented with vitamin D3 in order to ensure the better absorption of calcium.
Strong bones composition contain ideal ratio of calcium and magnesium (2 to 1). Their ingredients are an effective aid in the prevention of osteoporosis and preserving healthy bones. Chelate connection ensures effective absorption.

Calcium and magnesium are minerals essential to our body.
Calcium is a mineral that strengthens bones and teeth. Its deficiency can cause rickets, osteoporosis, and caries.  Through our normal diet our body do not acquire adequate amount of calcium. Woman’s need for calcium is relatively larger, especially after childbirth and menopause. The recommended daily intake of calcium for adults is 800 mg, for children, pregnant and nursing woman is 1200 mg.
Magnesium is essential for the effective functioning of the nervous system, muscles and numerous enzymes. He participates in the function control of over 300 vital functions of important enzymes and thus plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins. It reduces the possibility of kidney and gall stones. It is necessary for the installation of calcium.
Vitamin D- the absorption of calcium from the intestines is elevated; it helps maintain the calcium balance of blood plasma. Why is this important?  Calcium plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, normal coagulation process, for which calcium in the blood plasma is needed.
  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
500 mg Calcium, 250 mg Magnesium, 200 I.U. Vitamin D3,Vitamin K2 90 µg

Strong Bones PLUS K 100 CAPS (100 kapsula)

Strong Bones PLUS je preparat koji potpomaže ocuvanje zdravog koštanog sistema, normalne funkcije mišica i nervnog sistema, sadrži kalcijum i magnezijum obogacen vitaminima D3 i K2 u cilju bolje apsorpcije kalcijuma. Ukoliko želite da razvijete i ocuvate odgovarajucu koštanu masu i sprecite ili usporite osteoporozu, preparat Strong Bones PLUS može biti pravo rešenje za Vas!

Kome preporucujemo?

U slucaju preloma kostiju za brži oporavak i regeneraciju. Trudnicama za pravilan razvoj kostiju fetusa i za ocuvanje zdravlja zuba. Mladima koji teže zdravom razvoju koštane mase. Sredovecnim ljudima u cilju ocuvanja zdravlja kostiju, kao i za prevenciju nastanka osteoporoze. Starijim osobama u cilju usporavanja procesa propadanja kostiju. Osobama koje ne konzumiraju mleko i mlecne proizvode, a redovno ili cesto konzumiraju kafu ili gazirana pica koja sadrže fosfor.
Simptomi nedostatka kalcijuma mogu da budu: grcevi u mišicima, bol u mišicima, lomljivi nokti, loši zubi koji su skloni kvarenju, cesti lomovi kostiju, i metabolicke tegobe. U ozbiljnijim slucajevima, sporo i postepeno opadanje nivoa kalcijuma može da izazove osteoporozu.


500 mg Kalcijum
250 mg Magnezijum
200 I.J. Vitamin D3
0.45 mcg Vitamin K2

Cena: 2692.00 RSD
Cena za registrovane članove CaliVita : 2,019.00 RSD

уторак, 22. март 2016.

Bee power ~ Matični mleč u kapsulama – Bee Power 50 capsules

Bee Power

Dosage: 1 capsule daily
Package : 50 capsules

Regular price: €13.03 Sale price: €9.80

Bee power is a product made by a Queen Bee. It is well known as an immunostimulant for a stronger
nervous system, to restore vital energy and to gives vitality. It works well for all ages, particularly for children and elderly people, as well as for exhausted ones.
Queen bee is born as an ordinary worker bee and thanks to the food she eats - royal jelly, she becomes the queen. Royal jelly is produced by salivary glands of worker bees, in order to feed the queen. The concentration of nutrients makes it possible for her to live five years longer than worker bees, which have a life expectancy of 2-4 months.
Royal jelly is a natural energizer; it is supplying the organism with vitamins A, C, D, and E, minerals, 18 amino acids and enzymes. Royal jelly contains B vitamins, from which vitamin 85 or pantothenic acid in a higher concentration, and B6.  It is the only natural source of acetylcholine.
The usage of royal jelly is recommended for children’s growth and development, it helps with anemia, and it boosts memory functions and learning abilities. For adults and elderly people rejuvenates the cells, restores reproductive functions, it helps with infertility, bladder inflammation and asthma, strengthens the immune system and nerves to overcome the stress.
Royal jelly is a true nature gift to maintain health, beauty and youth.


  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.

50mgRoyal jelly concentrate (6% HDA) equivalent to 150 mg royal jelly

Matični mleč u kapsulama – Bee Power

Bee Power (50 kapsula)

Kada preporučujemo?
  • Kada ste u potrazi za prirodnom imunološkom zaštitom
  • Kada je vašem detetu potrebna pomoć u jačanju imunog sistema i povećanju apetita
  • Za vreme stresnih životnih perioda u cilju poboljšanja telesnih performansi
  • Kada vam je potrebno jačanje tela tokom oporavka od bolesti

Bee Power možete da kupite u vašoj zemlji !

  • EU
9.50 eur + post
Matični mleč je materija pomoću koje se pčele radilice izležu ili hrane kraljicu koja leže jajašca. Možda je ovo i razlog zbog kojeg je kraljica u stanju da izleže 1000-1500 jajašca dnevno, a i njen život je takode posebno dug. Dok pčele radilice, zavisno od sezone, žive od 4-6 nedelja, trutovi žive otprilike 5 nedelja, kraljica živi 3-4 godina. Matičnu mleč proizvode pčele iz svojih pljuvačnih žlezda, i njen je sastav jako složen. Glavni deo se sastoji od visoko kvalitetnih proteina. Sadrži celu porodicu vitamina B, vitamine A, C, E i D. Prirodni je izvor čistog acetil-holina. Pored toga sadrži minerale, enzime i 18 vrsta aminokiselina.
Ukoliko verujete u prirodne metode poboljšanja zdravlja, ekstrakt matičnog mleča je pravi izbor za Vas. Pčele hrane svoju kraljicu sa ovim hranljivim koncentratom, koja upravo ovoj supstanci može zahvaliti svoj dugi životni vek od 3 – 4 godine, dok pčele radilice žive tek 4 – 6 nedelja. Konzumiranje koncentrata matičnog mleča ima blagotvorno dejstvo i na ljude.
Matični mleč je idealna formula za prirodnu dijetu, potpomaže zdravo funkcionisanje imunog sistema. Iskustvo pokazuje da matični mleč osvežava, takoreći daje novi život organizmu, a ima i izuzetno tonizirajuće i osvežavajuće dejstvo. Svako ga može koristiti, bez obzira na uzrast i pol. Nije slučajno što je matični mleč poznat i cenjen širom sveta.
Bee Power je reparat koji sadrži matični mleč, izvanredna hranljiva materija bogata vitaminima, mineralnim materijama, belancevinama i aminokiselinama. Prirodni proizvod za suplementaciju ishrane. Preporučuje se svakome, bez obzira na uzrast i pol.
Vlast kraljice.
50 mg Koncentrat matičnog mleča (ekvivalent dozi od 150 mg svežeg matičnog mleča)
Pakovanje: 50 kapsula
Doziranje: Ukoliko lekar drugačije ne odredi, 1 kapsula dnevno.

BEE POWER osvežava i daje zaista nov život organizmu,

održava zdravlje koštanog sistema i zglobova

i izvanredna je hranljiva materija koja osvežava i jača imuni sistem.

Zemlje u kojima možete naručiti proizvode:   Slovenija, Hrvatska, Bosna i Hercegovina, Srbija, Makedonija i ostale zemlje EU  

петак, 18. март 2016.

Pro-State Power (60 tabl.)

Dosage: Take 2 tablets daily
Package : 60 tablets

Regular price: €46.42 Sale price: €34.90

Pro-State power is formula for senior man.

The prostate is a chestnut-sized gland situated between the bladder neck (urethra) and the rectum. It is found only in men, and it plays an essential role in proper sexual function. In older men, hormonal changes can cause this gland to become enlarged (known as benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH).  An enlarged prostate, by pressing against the urethra and the bladder, can result in discomfort, decreased urine flow, more frequent urination, and other health problems. Prostate problems are prevalent enough in older men, which regular prostate medical examinations are recommended for all men from middle age onwards.
BPH is usually associated with changes in hormone metabolism that increases the ratio of plasma estrogen to testosterone, and causes the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), one of the substances though to be responsible for BPH. Studies have shown that extracts from the fruit of the small palm tree,  saw palmetto, may have an inhibitory effect on the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and also inhibit both estrogen and androgen receptors in the cells, without interfering with testosterone.
Nettle contains several anti-inflammatory flavonoids, and, as a diuretic, has been shown to be helpful in clearing uric acid from the body. As well, nettle may help support the hormone binding proteins in the blood. Flaxseed is rich in antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, and has shown anti-inflammatory properties. Bioperin is an extract of black pepper, and studies have indicated it significantly enhances the body’s absorption and utilization of several vitamins, minerals and herbal agents. As an antioxidant, Selenium promotes the protection of cells against certain harmful effects of free radicals. Zinc is a key element in the normal functioning of the reproductive organs.
  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.


300m Sawpalmetto berry extract (std.45%EFA&sterols),

 150mg Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract,

150mg Flaxsed oil,

60mg Pygeum Africanum Bark Ext (std.2.5%sterols),

1mg Bioperine,

15mg Zinc,

80mcg Selenium,

2.5mg Lycopene

Pro-State Power, (60 tab)

Pro-State Power je proizvod koji sadrži izvanredne ekstrakte i mineralne materije kojima se efikasno može lečiti uvećanje i zapaljenje prostate, isto tako je odličan preparat u post opetartivnom periodu. Takođe može da ima značajnu ulogu u prevenciji raka prostate.

Ekstrakt iz ploda testeraste palme (Sabal serrulata, Serenoa repens). Većim brojem istraživanja potvrđeno je da testerasta palma može da pojača pražnjenje mokraće i da smanji učestalost noćnog mokrenja. Ona je širom Evrope prihvaćeno sredstvo za terapiju benignog uvećanja prostate.

Afrička patuljasta palma (afrička šljiva, Pygeum africanum). Njena kora se od XVIII veka koristi protiv tegoba u vezi sa prostatom. Ona pomaže u uspostavljanju hormonalne ravnoteže (odnos testosterona prema estrogenu) i u uspostavljanju uvećavanja prostate, a ispoljava i diuretsko dejstvo tako što olakšava protok mokraće kroz mokraćni kanal. Laneno seme (Lini semen). Sadrži 27 razlIičitih antikancerogenih materija, između ostalih vlakna, pektin, vitamin E (tokoferol) i sitosterol (dejstveni princip biljnog porekla sa dejstvom poput estrogena). Procene pokazuju da je kod naroda koji žive na ishrani bogatoj lignanima manja incidenca raka dojke, debelog creva i prostate.

Velikolista kopriva (Urtica dioica). Lišće i koren koprive imaju sledeća dejstva: diuretsko, adstringentno (skupljajuće), roborativno i antihemoragijsko (protiv krvarenja). Koristi se kod akutnih tegoba mokraćnih puteva, kamenca u bubrezima i bešici, zapaljenja bubrega i mokraćne bešike, kao i kod hormonskih poremećaja u menopauzi.

Likopen je jedan od članova porodice karotinoida, jak antioksidant, koji je nedavno dospeo pod reflektor naučnog sveta. Njegov najvažniji zadatak je BORBA PROTIV RAKA.

Bioperin. Jedno od jedinjenja ekstrakta iz crnog bibera, koje čini znatno efikasnijim iskorišćavanje biljnih dejstvenih principa i oligoelemenata.

Selen je veoma snažan antioksidant, koji sprečava štetno dejstvo slobodnih radikala i ublažava zapaljenske procese. Muškarcima je ovaj oligoelement neophodan! On je neophadan za stvaranje spermatozoida.

Cink igra važnu ulogu u reprodukcionom sistemu muškaraca. Cink stimuliše sintezu muškog hormona testosterona koji pomaže ukrućivanje (erekciju), kao i ejakulaciju. Manjak cinka može igrati ulogu u nastanku eventualne neplodnosti u oba pola. Cink je eflkasan u prevenciji nastanka benignog uvećanja prostate. Dejstvo dva potonja oligoelementa je sinergička.

Aktivni sastojci

Extract Saw Palmetto 300 mg
Urtica Dioica* 150 mg
Leneno seme 150 mg
Pygeum africanum* 60 mg
Bioperin* 1 mg
Cink 15 mg
Selen* 80 mcg
Licopen* 2,5 mg


2x1 tableta dnevno.

понедељак, 14. март 2016.

Cholestone (90 tabl.)

Dosage: 1x3 tablets daily with meal Package : 90 tablets
Regular price: €26.47
Sale price: €19.90

Cholestone is herbal product that can help prevent the clogging of blood vessels by reducing the level of fat in the blood. It contains a combination of antioxidants that also protects against free radicals. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that performs several important functions for the metabolism. It helps to manufacture bile, which is needed for digestion. It also assists in metabolizing certain vitamins and hormones, and is needed for the structure and integrity of cell membranes. As cholesterol cannot travel in the bloodstream alone, the liver bundles it with a protein into a structure called a lipoprotein, before releasing it into the bloodstream. Low density lipoproteins (LDL) transport LDL- cholesterol, the main source used in the increase of lesions of atherosclerosis. As the quantity of LDL-cholesterol from blood will be higher, so will the risk of appearance and development of ischemic heart disease increase. High density lipoproteins (HDL) are what you call “good” cholesterol. HDL transport cholesterol from different body parts towards the liver, preventing thus its deposit on artery walls. As the HLD-cholesterol level from blood is higher, the risk of ischemic heart disease is lower. The optimum level of HDL-cholesterol is about 45 mg/dl for men and about 55 mg/dl for women. There is a high risk of developing ischemic heart disease when the HDL-cholesterol level is lower than 35 mg/dl. Chlolestone is well balanced formula which contains omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed oil, vitamin C and E, antioxidants, apple pectin, garlic, lecithin and mineral chromium. This product is indispensable in the daily supplementation. Flax seed oil is the richest natural source of omega-3 and linoleic acid which are converted to omega-6 in the body. They have vital importance for brain, cardiovascular and nervous system, but very delicate and they can easily be destroyed while preparing the food. Protection from the oxidation of fatty acids and cholesterol provide antioxidants – vitamins C and E, combined with garlic extract helps to convert cholesterol into bile acid and it’s excretion from the body. Active substances in garlic reduce levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood, while raising the level of protective HDL cholesterol – reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Chromium and lecithin reduce cholesterol from blood and prevent the formation of build-up plaque, reducing even more the risk of ischemic heart disease heart failure. Apple pectin is soluble water fibre that affects the exchange of fatty substances and helps to maintain a normal level of cholesterol. With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years. We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources. During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms. We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products. Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality. The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA. The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.


200 mg Flax seed oil,
200 mg Apple pectin,
100 mg Garlic,
100 mg Lecithin,
60 mg Vitamin C,
10 mg Vitamin E,
50 mcg Chromium

Cholestone (90 tableta)-Smanjenje nivoa holesterola

Cholestone je dijetetski suplement dizajniran kao pomoć u održavanju nivoa holesterola. Njegovi prirodni aktivni sastojci uključuju i laneno ulje koje doprinosi održavanju normalnih nivoa holesterola uz pomoć visokog sadržaja Omega-3 masnih kiselina, kao i jabučni pektin koji daje iste efekte zahvaljući vlaknima koje sadrži. Beli luk može blagotvorno da utiče na nivo masti u krvi, dok lecitin igra važnu ulogu u metabolizmu masti.
Kome preporučujemo?
  • Osobama koje se bore sa povišenim holesterolom i/ili trigliceridima
  • Kao preventivno sredstvo, onima koji u svojoj porodičnoj istoriji imaju pojavu povišenog holesterola i triglicerida ili onima koji pate od poremećaja metabolizma ugljenih hidrata
  • U cilju prevencije ateroskleroze
  • Ukoliko je način ishrane bogat mastima i ugljenim hidratima

Snimak lekarskod predavanja sadrži informacije o sledećim preparatima:
Cholestone, Nopalin, Omega 3 Concentrate, Evening Primrose Oil, Soya Lecithin, Triple Potency Lecithin, Vitamin C 1000, Vitamin C 300 Plus;
Zašto CaliVita?

7 razloga, zašto da odaberete CaliVita proizvode:
·         CaliVita već više od 20 godina uz izuzetno profesionalnu pozadinu i iskustvo nudi svoje vrhunske proizvode, u skladu sa najvišim standardima kvaliteta.
·         Uvek se trudimo da koristimo sirovine iz najboljih prirodnih izvora, u njihovoj izvornoj formi.
·         Tokom procesa razvoja primenjujemo prirodnu organsku formu, za bolju apsorpciju.
·         Dajemo 100% garanciju na kvalitet za sve naše proizvode.
·         Naši proizvodi prolaze strogu, višestruku proceduru ispitivanja, za obezbeđivanje konstantnog održavanja vrhunskog kvaliteta.
·         Velika većina naših dodataka ishrani se proizvodi u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, prema proizvodnim procesima farmaceutskog kvaliteta.
·         Proizvodnja je u skladu sa rigoroznim odredbama GMP (Dobre proizvođačke prakse) za kontrolu kvaliteta, a preparati se redovno kontrolišu od strane FDA (Biro za kontrolu prehrambenih i farmaceutskih proizvoda u SAD-u). Mi smo i u bliskoj saradnji sa lokalnim vlastima, kako bi za naše korisnike uvek osigurali proizvode najboljeg kvaliteta.

Svi proizvodi su upisani u registar dijetetskih proizvoda Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije.

Da li ste znali da su pored raka, kardiovaskularna oboljenja jedan od glavnih uzroka smrti u razvijenim zemljama, iako u većini slučajeva to može da se izbegne?


Ukoliko lekar drugačije ne odredi, 3 puta po 1 tabletu dnevno, posle obroka.


200mg Laneno ulje
200mg Jabučni pektin
100mg Beli luk
60mg Vitamin C
10mg Vitamin E
50mcg Hrom
100mg Lecitin

четвртак, 3. март 2016.

Super Mega CoQ10- powerful antioxidants

Super Mega CoQ10- powerful antioxidants

Dosage: 1 capsule daily
Package : 30 capsules

CoQ10 is one of the most powerful antioxidants whose production in human body declines after 35 years of life. It is necessary for the operation of all vital organs, especially the heart. Additionally contains antioxidants vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium.
Coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinone acts as a catalyst that accelerates and directs energy processes. It is essential for energy production in mitochondria, where the food produces adenosine triphosphate (ATP) – the fuel for our body. Its deficiency leads to a disorder of energy balance and the various functional disorders. Production of Coenzyme Q10 decreases with aging it must be introduces by food or as a dietary supplement.
Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that destroys the free radicals in our body. Has a role in energy production, being extremely important for athletes, bodybuilders, and for those that consume a lot of energy.
Coenzyme Q10 is used as a supplement in the therapy of many cardiovascular diseases, such as ischemia, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension and angina pectoris. Heart disease is a leading cause of mortality in developed countries.
Research indicates that a large number of drugs can interfere with the natural synthesis of CoQ10 in the body. This is why the additional intake of CoQ10 is necessary, especially for elderly people and heart patients. CoQ10 is primary supplement in the therapy for cardiovascular disease for millions of Japanese. Japanese studies have shown that CoQ10 protects the stomach and duodenum and it can participate in the ulcers rehabilitation.
Coenzyme Q10 has beneficial results in case of treatment of allergies, asthma, respiratory disease, Alzheimer, multiple sclerosis, some forms of schizophrenia; it is slowing aging process, helps with gum disease, migraine, diabetes.
Super Mega CoQ10 is an extra high dose CoQ10 preparation and it is recommened for therapeutic purposes.
  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
120mg Coenzyme Q10, 1000I.U. Beta Carotene, 10I.U. Vitamin E, 10mcg Selenium

Koenzim Q10 se još naziva ubikinon i prirodno se javlja u organizmu. Ljudski organizam ima sposobnost sinteze koenzima Q10, ali se ona smanjuje posle 30. godine. Kao posledica smanjene produkcije ovog koenzima dolazi do smanjenja energetskih procesa u organizmu, što se najpre primeti na srčanom radu.


  • bolesti srca (oslabljeno srce, aritmije, angina pektoris, infarkt),
  • u terapiji statinima (lekovi za smanjenje holesterola, jer oni dovode do deficita CoQ10),
  • hipertenzija - povećan krvni pritisak,
  • protiv starenja svih ćelija i tkiva u organizmu.

Kako deluje koenzim Q10?

Utiče na energetske metaboličke procese, na sagorevanje masti, na fleksibilnost ćelijske membrane. Čuven je po svojoj upotrebi kao antioksidans, tj. usporava procese koji dovode do oštećenja i starenja ćelija i tkiva. Sa godinama se proizvodnja koenzima Q10 smanjuje čak do 80%. Ima sinergističko (pojačavajuće) dejstvo sa glutationom i selenom, koji su takođe moćni antioksidansi. Doprinosi i regeneraciji vitamina E, jednog od najrasprostranjenijih antioksidanasa.

Srce je mišić koji stalno pumpa, a pacijenti sa oboljenjem srčanog mišića imaju izrazit deficit ovog vitamina. Zbog toga je nakon što je razvijena njegova masovna proizvodnja, od strane japanskih naučnika, koenzim Q10 prepisivan kao lek kod srčanih oboljenja u Japanu. Na tržištu je prisutan od 1974. godine, a iz razloga što je to prirodni sastojak organizma nije dovodio do neželjenih dejstava, pa važi za siguran lek, bez pratećih neželjenih posledica. Brojna klinička istraživanja i naučni radovi su potvrdili njegovu efikasnost.
Kada je utvrđeno da statini (lekovi koji deluju na smanjenje stvaranja holesterola u organizmu) dovode do deficita koenzima Q10 u srčanom mišiću, počela je njegova rutinska primena uz terapiju statinima (Cholipam, Hollesta, Simvor, Vasilip, Zocor, Atoris, Sortis, Tulip, Lescol). 
Koristan je u terapiji postinfarktnog stanja, jer obezbeđuje bolje snabdevanje energijom preostalog zdravog dela srčanog mišića.


Šta kažu naučna istraživanja?

Neka klinička i potvrđena dejstva koenzima Q10 na srčani mišić su:
- smanjenje rizika za nastanak ateroskleroze, suženja krvnih sudova,
- pozitivan uticaj na poremećaje srčanog ritma – aritmije,
- jačanje oslabljenog srčanog mišića, povećanje snage srčane kontrakcije,
- smanjenje rizika od razvoja i posledica angine pektoris i infarkta, 
- smanjenje rizika kod operacija na srcu (bajpas, srčani zalisci)
Smanjena koncentracija koenzima Q10 dovodi do slabljenja imunog sistema, malaksalosti, slabosti, akumulacije masnih naslaga.

Kako se uzima koenzim Q10?

Koriste se doze od 30mg dnevno, ali u slučaju velike iscrpljenosti srčanog mišića primenjuju se i doze od 100mg dnevno. Pošto je koenzim Q10 prirodni sastojak ljudskog organizma vrlo je bezbedan za upotrebu.
U slučaju da u organizmu postoji značajan nedostatak koenzima Q10, odmah po početku uzimanja ispoljavaju se vidljivi pozitivni pomaci, jer se i malo povećanje efikasnosti srčanog mišića lako primeti. Dok u slučaju postojanja manjeg deficita koenzima Q10, vidljivi efekti se ispoljavaju za 3 do 4 meseca.

Koenzim Q10 unesen ishranom ne utiče na smanjenje produkcije tog supstrata u organizmu, kao što je slučaj kod holesterola. Dakle, unošenjem koenzima Q10 utiče se na povećanje koncentracije ovog nutrijenta u krvi, koji se starenjem manje stvara.
Koenzim Q10 je liposolubilan - rastvorljiv u mastima, pa je najbolje iskoristljiv iz uljanih preparata, npr. gel kapsule u sojinom ulju.