Strong Bones PLUS K

Dosage: 2 capsules daily
Package : 100 capsules
Regular price: €21.15 Sale price: €15.90

One of the basic factors of the solidity of our skeletal structure is its mineral content. After the completion of the longitudinal growth of the bones we still can do a lot for their strength, as mineralization  can last as long as the end of our thirties. Of course after this we should not forget about the adequate intake of these substances, as they participate in many other important physiological processes as well.
Strong Bones PLUS is a preparation supporting the maintenance of the healthy bone system, normal muscle functions and the nervous system containing calcium and magnesium that we complemented with vitamin D3 in order to ensure the better absorption of calcium.
Strong bones composition contain ideal ratio of calcium and magnesium (2 to 1). Their ingredients are an effective aid in the prevention of osteoporosis and preserving healthy bones. Chelate connection ensures effective absorption.

Calcium and magnesium are minerals essential to our body.
Calcium is a mineral that strengthens bones and teeth. Its deficiency can cause rickets, osteoporosis, and caries.  Through our normal diet our body do not acquire adequate amount of calcium. Woman’s need for calcium is relatively larger, especially after childbirth and menopause. The recommended daily intake of calcium for adults is 800 mg, for children, pregnant and nursing woman is 1200 mg.
Magnesium is essential for the effective functioning of the nervous system, muscles and numerous enzymes. He participates in the function control of over 300 vital functions of important enzymes and thus plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins. It reduces the possibility of kidney and gall stones. It is necessary for the installation of calcium.
Vitamin D- the absorption of calcium from the intestines is elevated; it helps maintain the calcium balance of blood plasma. Why is this important?  Calcium plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, normal coagulation process, for which calcium in the blood plasma is needed.
  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
500 mg Calcium, 250 mg Magnesium, 200 I.U. Vitamin D3,Vitamin K2 90 µg

Strong Bones PLUS K 100 CAPS (100 kapsula)

Strong Bones PLUS je preparat koji potpomaže ocuvanje zdravog koštanog sistema, normalne funkcije mišica i nervnog sistema, sadrži kalcijum i magnezijum obogacen vitaminima D3 i K2 u cilju bolje apsorpcije kalcijuma. Ukoliko želite da razvijete i ocuvate odgovarajucu koštanu masu i sprecite ili usporite osteoporozu, preparat Strong Bones PLUS može biti pravo rešenje za Vas!

Kome preporucujemo?

U slucaju preloma kostiju za brži oporavak i regeneraciju. Trudnicama za pravilan razvoj kostiju fetusa i za ocuvanje zdravlja zuba. Mladima koji teže zdravom razvoju koštane mase. Sredovecnim ljudima u cilju ocuvanja zdravlja kostiju, kao i za prevenciju nastanka osteoporoze. Starijim osobama u cilju usporavanja procesa propadanja kostiju. Osobama koje ne konzumiraju mleko i mlecne proizvode, a redovno ili cesto konzumiraju kafu ili gazirana pica koja sadrže fosfor.
Simptomi nedostatka kalcijuma mogu da budu: grcevi u mišicima, bol u mišicima, lomljivi nokti, loši zubi koji su skloni kvarenju, cesti lomovi kostiju, i metabolicke tegobe. U ozbiljnijim slucajevima, sporo i postepeno opadanje nivoa kalcijuma može da izazove osteoporozu.


500 mg Kalcijum
250 mg Magnezijum
200 I.J. Vitamin D3
0.45 mcg Vitamin K2

Cena: 2692.00 RSD
Cena za registrovane članove CaliVita : 2,019.00 RSD