Dosage: Take 2 tablets daily
Package : 60 tablets

Regular price: €46.42 Sale price: €34.90

Pro-State power is formula for senior man.

The prostate is a chestnut-sized gland situated between the bladder neck (urethra) and the rectum. It is found only in men, and it plays an essential role in proper sexual function. In older men, hormonal changes can cause this gland to become enlarged (known as benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH).  An enlarged prostate, by pressing against the urethra and the bladder, can result in discomfort, decreased urine flow, more frequent urination, and other health problems. Prostate problems are prevalent enough in older men, which regular prostate medical examinations are recommended for all men from middle age onwards.
BPH is usually associated with changes in hormone metabolism that increases the ratio of plasma estrogen to testosterone, and causes the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), one of the substances though to be responsible for BPH. Studies have shown that extracts from the fruit of the small palm tree,  saw palmetto, may have an inhibitory effect on the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and also inhibit both estrogen and androgen receptors in the cells, without interfering with testosterone.
Nettle contains several anti-inflammatory flavonoids, and, as a diuretic, has been shown to be helpful in clearing uric acid from the body. As well, nettle may help support the hormone binding proteins in the blood. Flaxseed is rich in antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, and has shown anti-inflammatory properties. Bioperin is an extract of black pepper, and studies have indicated it significantly enhances the body’s absorption and utilization of several vitamins, minerals and herbal agents. As an antioxidant, Selenium promotes the protection of cells against certain harmful effects of free radicals. Zinc is a key element in the normal functioning of the reproductive organs.
  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.


300m Sawpalmetto berry extract (std.45%EFA&sterols),

 150mg Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract,

150mg Flaxsed oil,

60mg Pygeum Africanum Bark Ext (std.2.5%sterols),

1mg Bioperine,

15mg Zinc,

80mcg Selenium,

2.5mg Lycopene

Pro-State Power, (60 tab)

Pro-State Power je proizvod koji sadrži izvanredne ekstrakte i mineralne materije kojima se efikasno može lečiti uvećanje i zapaljenje prostate, isto tako je odličan preparat u post opetartivnom periodu. Takođe može da ima značajnu ulogu u prevenciji raka prostate.

Ekstrakt iz ploda testeraste palme (Sabal serrulata, Serenoa repens). Većim brojem istraživanja potvrđeno je da testerasta palma može da pojača pražnjenje mokraće i da smanji učestalost noćnog mokrenja. Ona je širom Evrope prihvaćeno sredstvo za terapiju benignog uvećanja prostate.

Afrička patuljasta palma (afrička šljiva, Pygeum africanum). Njena kora se od XVIII veka koristi protiv tegoba u vezi sa prostatom. Ona pomaže u uspostavljanju hormonalne ravnoteže (odnos testosterona prema estrogenu) i u uspostavljanju uvećavanja prostate, a ispoljava i diuretsko dejstvo tako što olakšava protok mokraće kroz mokraćni kanal. Laneno seme (Lini semen). Sadrži 27 razlIičitih antikancerogenih materija, između ostalih vlakna, pektin, vitamin E (tokoferol) i sitosterol (dejstveni princip biljnog porekla sa dejstvom poput estrogena). Procene pokazuju da je kod naroda koji žive na ishrani bogatoj lignanima manja incidenca raka dojke, debelog creva i prostate.

Velikolista kopriva (Urtica dioica). Lišće i koren koprive imaju sledeća dejstva: diuretsko, adstringentno (skupljajuće), roborativno i antihemoragijsko (protiv krvarenja). Koristi se kod akutnih tegoba mokraćnih puteva, kamenca u bubrezima i bešici, zapaljenja bubrega i mokraćne bešike, kao i kod hormonskih poremećaja u menopauzi.

Likopen je jedan od članova porodice karotinoida, jak antioksidant, koji je nedavno dospeo pod reflektor naučnog sveta. Njegov najvažniji zadatak je BORBA PROTIV RAKA.

Bioperin. Jedno od jedinjenja ekstrakta iz crnog bibera, koje čini znatno efikasnijim iskorišćavanje biljnih dejstvenih principa i oligoelemenata.

Selen je veoma snažan antioksidant, koji sprečava štetno dejstvo slobodnih radikala i ublažava zapaljenske procese. Muškarcima je ovaj oligoelement neophodan! On je neophadan za stvaranje spermatozoida.

Cink igra važnu ulogu u reprodukcionom sistemu muškaraca. Cink stimuliše sintezu muškog hormona testosterona koji pomaže ukrućivanje (erekciju), kao i ejakulaciju. Manjak cinka može igrati ulogu u nastanku eventualne neplodnosti u oba pola. Cink je eflkasan u prevenciji nastanka benignog uvećanja prostate. Dejstvo dva potonja oligoelementa je sinergička.

Aktivni sastojci

Extract Saw Palmetto 300 mg
Urtica Dioica* 150 mg
Leneno seme 150 mg
Pygeum africanum* 60 mg
Bioperin* 1 mg
Cink 15 mg
Selen* 80 mcg
Licopen* 2,5 mg


2x1 tableta dnevno.