CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

понедељак, 14. март 2016.

Cholestone (90 tabl.)

Dosage: 1x3 tablets daily with meal Package : 90 tablets
Regular price: €26.47
Sale price: €19.90

Cholestone is herbal product that can help prevent the clogging of blood vessels by reducing the level of fat in the blood. It contains a combination of antioxidants that also protects against free radicals. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that performs several important functions for the metabolism. It helps to manufacture bile, which is needed for digestion. It also assists in metabolizing certain vitamins and hormones, and is needed for the structure and integrity of cell membranes. As cholesterol cannot travel in the bloodstream alone, the liver bundles it with a protein into a structure called a lipoprotein, before releasing it into the bloodstream. Low density lipoproteins (LDL) transport LDL- cholesterol, the main source used in the increase of lesions of atherosclerosis. As the quantity of LDL-cholesterol from blood will be higher, so will the risk of appearance and development of ischemic heart disease increase. High density lipoproteins (HDL) are what you call “good” cholesterol. HDL transport cholesterol from different body parts towards the liver, preventing thus its deposit on artery walls. As the HLD-cholesterol level from blood is higher, the risk of ischemic heart disease is lower. The optimum level of HDL-cholesterol is about 45 mg/dl for men and about 55 mg/dl for women. There is a high risk of developing ischemic heart disease when the HDL-cholesterol level is lower than 35 mg/dl. Chlolestone is well balanced formula which contains omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed oil, vitamin C and E, antioxidants, apple pectin, garlic, lecithin and mineral chromium. This product is indispensable in the daily supplementation. Flax seed oil is the richest natural source of omega-3 and linoleic acid which are converted to omega-6 in the body. They have vital importance for brain, cardiovascular and nervous system, but very delicate and they can easily be destroyed while preparing the food. Protection from the oxidation of fatty acids and cholesterol provide antioxidants – vitamins C and E, combined with garlic extract helps to convert cholesterol into bile acid and it’s excretion from the body. Active substances in garlic reduce levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood, while raising the level of protective HDL cholesterol – reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Chromium and lecithin reduce cholesterol from blood and prevent the formation of build-up plaque, reducing even more the risk of ischemic heart disease heart failure. Apple pectin is soluble water fibre that affects the exchange of fatty substances and helps to maintain a normal level of cholesterol. With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years. We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources. During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms. We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products. Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality. The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA. The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.


200 mg Flax seed oil,
200 mg Apple pectin,
100 mg Garlic,
100 mg Lecithin,
60 mg Vitamin C,
10 mg Vitamin E,
50 mcg Chromium

Cholestone (90 tableta)-Smanjenje nivoa holesterola

Cholestone je dijetetski suplement dizajniran kao pomoć u održavanju nivoa holesterola. Njegovi prirodni aktivni sastojci uključuju i laneno ulje koje doprinosi održavanju normalnih nivoa holesterola uz pomoć visokog sadržaja Omega-3 masnih kiselina, kao i jabučni pektin koji daje iste efekte zahvaljući vlaknima koje sadrži. Beli luk može blagotvorno da utiče na nivo masti u krvi, dok lecitin igra važnu ulogu u metabolizmu masti.
Kome preporučujemo?
  • Osobama koje se bore sa povišenim holesterolom i/ili trigliceridima
  • Kao preventivno sredstvo, onima koji u svojoj porodičnoj istoriji imaju pojavu povišenog holesterola i triglicerida ili onima koji pate od poremećaja metabolizma ugljenih hidrata
  • U cilju prevencije ateroskleroze
  • Ukoliko je način ishrane bogat mastima i ugljenim hidratima

Snimak lekarskod predavanja sadrži informacije o sledećim preparatima:
Cholestone, Nopalin, Omega 3 Concentrate, Evening Primrose Oil, Soya Lecithin, Triple Potency Lecithin, Vitamin C 1000, Vitamin C 300 Plus;
Zašto CaliVita?

7 razloga, zašto da odaberete CaliVita proizvode:
·         CaliVita već više od 20 godina uz izuzetno profesionalnu pozadinu i iskustvo nudi svoje vrhunske proizvode, u skladu sa najvišim standardima kvaliteta.
·         Uvek se trudimo da koristimo sirovine iz najboljih prirodnih izvora, u njihovoj izvornoj formi.
·         Tokom procesa razvoja primenjujemo prirodnu organsku formu, za bolju apsorpciju.
·         Dajemo 100% garanciju na kvalitet za sve naše proizvode.
·         Naši proizvodi prolaze strogu, višestruku proceduru ispitivanja, za obezbeđivanje konstantnog održavanja vrhunskog kvaliteta.
·         Velika većina naših dodataka ishrani se proizvodi u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, prema proizvodnim procesima farmaceutskog kvaliteta.
·         Proizvodnja je u skladu sa rigoroznim odredbama GMP (Dobre proizvođačke prakse) za kontrolu kvaliteta, a preparati se redovno kontrolišu od strane FDA (Biro za kontrolu prehrambenih i farmaceutskih proizvoda u SAD-u). Mi smo i u bliskoj saradnji sa lokalnim vlastima, kako bi za naše korisnike uvek osigurali proizvode najboljeg kvaliteta.

Svi proizvodi su upisani u registar dijetetskih proizvoda Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije.

Da li ste znali da su pored raka, kardiovaskularna oboljenja jedan od glavnih uzroka smrti u razvijenim zemljama, iako u većini slučajeva to može da se izbegne?


Ukoliko lekar drugačije ne odredi, 3 puta po 1 tabletu dnevno, posle obroka.


200mg Laneno ulje
200mg Jabučni pektin
100mg Beli luk
60mg Vitamin C
10mg Vitamin E
50mcg Hrom
100mg Lecitin

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