CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

среда, 28. август 2024.

Curcuma Pro 60 tbl. ~Kurkuma 60 tableta


Curcuma is a special formula containing turmeric extract with 95% of curcuminoids. Turmeric is supplemented with BioPerine® pepper extract and curcumin in the granulated MicroActive® formulation.


To whom and when do we recommend it?

Pro-health effects of turmeric

The main ingredient of Curcuma Pro is turmeric, which is known for its anti-inflammatory effects, supplemented with pepper extract and Bioperine® curcumin in the unique form of MicroActive®, thus ensuring better bioavailability. Turmeric contributes to the flexibility and normal functioning of the joints.

The richness of turmeric, which has a beneficial effect on immunity, health of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, liver cells, nervous system, blood circulation, skin condition, digestive processes, relieves flatulence and constipation, has an antioxidant effect + BioPerine® black pepper fruit extract and medium-chain acids fatty MCTs to increase digestibility.

Stronger and longer action thanks to the MicroActive® formula

Curcuma Pro has been enriched with the patented MicroActive® Curcumin sustained-release formula, thanks to which it has 10 times greater absorption than regular curcumin, reaches the maximum concentration in the blood faster: 2 hours compared to 4 hours for regular curcumin, provides a sustained release for 12 hours.




Kurkumin, je polifenol dobijen iz kurkume, jak antioksidanti spada među najjače anti-inflamatorne supstance, to ga i čini jednim od najvećih nada budućih farmaceutskih dostignuća. Upala je organska komponenta hronič- nog oboljenja i shodno tome kurkumin se primenjuje kod artritisa, digestivnih i kardiovaskularnih bolesti, depresije i još mnogih drugih bolesti.

Curcuma Pro se preporučuje ne samo kada problem već postoji pa želite postojećoj terapiji artritisa ili povredama da dodate alternativnu suplemetaciju već i onda kada su Vam zglobovi ektremno opterećeni. Prema tome, njegova primena preporučuje se osobama koje se redovno bave sportom, obavljaju težak fizički rad ili se bore sa gojaznošću.

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