Bee Power 50 capsules~ Royal jelly (50 capsules 27 g)
Dosage: 1 capsule daily
Package : 50 capsules
Bee power is a product made by a Queen Bee. It is well known as an
immunostimulant for a stronger nervous system, to restore vital energy
and to gives vitality. It works well for all ages, particularly for
children and elderly people, as well as for exhausted ones.
bee is born as an ordinary worker bee and thanks to the food she eats -
royal jelly, she becomes the queen. Royal jelly is produced by salivary
glands of worker bees, in order to feed the queen. The concentration of
nutrients makes it possible for her to live five years longer than
worker bees, which have a life expectancy of 2-4 months.
jelly is a natural energizer; it is supplying the organism with vitamins
A, C, D, and E, minerals, 18 amino acids and enzymes. Royal jelly
contains B vitamins, from which vitamin 85 or pantothenic acid in a
higher concentration, and B6. It is the only natural source of
The usage of royal jelly is recommended for
children’s growth and development, it helps with anemia, and it boosts
memory functions and learning abilities. For adults and elderly people
rejuvenates the cells, restores reproductive functions, it helps with
infertility, bladder inflammation and asthma, strengthens the immune
system and nerves to overcome the stress.
Royal jelly is a true nature gift to maintain health, beauty and youth.
- With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
- We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
- During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
- We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
- Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
- The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
- The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
50mgRoyal jelly concentrate (6% HDA) equivalent to 150 mg royal jelly
Matični mleč u kapsulama – Bee Power
Bee Power (50 kapsula)
Kada preporučujemo?
- Kada ste u potrazi za prirodnom imunološkom zaštitom
- Kada je vašem detetu potrebna pomoć u jačanju imunog sistema i povećanju apetita
- Za vreme stresnih životnih perioda u cilju poboljšanja telesnih performansi
- Kada vam je potrebno jačanje tela tokom oporavka od bolesti
Bee Power možete da kupite u vašoj zemlji !
Matični mleč je materija pomoću koje se pčele radilice izležu ili hrane kraljicu koja leže jajašca. Možda je ovo i razlog zbog kojeg je kraljica u stanju da izleže 1000-1500 jajašca dnevno, a i njen život je takode posebno dug. Dok pčele radilice, zavisno od sezone, žive od 4-6 nedelja, trutovi žive otprilike 5 nedelja, kraljica živi 3-4 godina. Matičnu mleč proizvode pčele iz svojih pljuvačnih žlezda, i njen je sastav jako složen. Glavni deo se sastoji od visoko kvalitetnih proteina. Sadrži celu porodicu vitamina B, vitamine A, C, E i D. Prirodni je izvor čistog acetil-holina. Pored toga sadrži minerale, enzime i 18 vrsta aminokiselina.
Ukoliko verujete u prirodne metode poboljšanja zdravlja, ekstrakt matičnog mleča je pravi izbor za Vas. Pčele hrane svoju kraljicu sa ovim hranljivim koncentratom, koja upravo ovoj supstanci može zahvaliti svoj dugi životni vek od 3 – 4 godine, dok pčele radilice žive tek 4 – 6 nedelja. Konzumiranje koncentrata matičnog mleča ima blagotvorno dejstvo i na ljude.
Matični mleč je idealna formula za prirodnu dijetu, potpomaže zdravo funkcionisanje imunog sistema. Iskustvo pokazuje da matični mleč osvežava, takoreći daje novi život organizmu, a ima i izuzetno tonizirajuće i osvežavajuće dejstvo. Svako ga može koristiti, bez obzira na uzrast i pol. Nije slučajno što je matični mleč poznat i cenjen širom sveta.
Bee Power je reparat koji sadrži matični mleč, izvanredna hranljiva materija bogata vitaminima, mineralnim materijama, belancevinama i aminokiselinama. Prirodni proizvod za suplementaciju ishrane. Preporučuje se svakome, bez obzira na uzrast i pol.
50 mg Koncentrat matičnog mleča (ekvivalent dozi od 150 mg svežeg matičnog mleča)
Pakovanje: 50 kapsula
Doziranje: Ukoliko lekar drugačije ne odredi, 1 kapsula dnevno.
BEE POWER osvežava i daje zaista nov život organizmu,održava zdravlje koštanog sistema i zglobova i izvanredna je hranljiva materija koja osvežava i jača imuni sistem.
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