CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

четвртак, 5. јануар 2017.

White Willow (white willow bark, natural aspirin)

CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 100 capsules
     Amount per each capsule:
     Bark of a white willow .............  400 mg

The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients White willow (Salux alba) has long been used as a medicinal plant in folk medicine. It has the ability to reduce pain and lower temperature, but also can be used to strengthening of body and to clarification of blood. It can be used in cases of internal bleeding, inflammation of the stomach and bowels, rheumatism, joint pain, inflammation of the bladder, to solve problems with liver, kidneys and heart. After 50 years, it is useful to take for prevent a heart attack. White willow bark is also an anthelmintic, it helps with malaria, it can be used in compression in cases of chilblains and hemorrhoids.

White willow bark contains salicyl, salicartin and other substances (glycosides, tannin and acids and enzymes). In fact, it is natural aspirin. Our body use calicyl contained in white willow bark to produce salicylic acid, but its side effects are manifested not so much as a drug. Large doses of aspirin damage the digestive organs, the consequence may be vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, gastric ulcer, and also allergic reaction, tinnitus, deafness and even respiratory disease.

Studies have confirmed that the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compounds like aspirin can strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of inflammatory process. Unlike aspirin, the effect of salicyl from the white willow bark occurs selectively, so its use only in some cases causes minor problems in the digestive tract. The positive impact of salicyl as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract, affecting primarily the liver.


It is necessary to adhere to recommended dosage, because when you receive a very large doses (20-25 capsules per day) problems with the stomach may occur.
Recommended dosage: 2-3 capsules every 4 hours or as needed, but not more than 18 capsules per day. Children 1-2 capsules every 4-6 hours

White Willow-prah kore bele vrbe, prirodni aspirin 

Preparat koji sadrži prah kore bele vrbe. Njegovi prirodni dejstveni principi imaju antiinflamatorno i analgetičko dejstvo.

Bela Vrba (White Willow) preparat koji sadrži prah kore bele vrbe. Ovaj Calivita preparat ima prirodne dejstvene principe imaju antiinflamatorno i analgetičko dejstvo.

U narodnoj medicini kora bele vrbe (Salix alba) koristi se još od prastarih vremena. Poznata je kao sredstvo protiv bolova i groznice, sredstvo za jačanje i pročišćavanje krvi a u prokuvanom obliku se koristi i protiv unutrašnjih krvarenja, katara želuca i creva, reume, bolova u zglobovima i upale mokraćne bešike. Efikasna je u ublažavanju tegoba jetre, bubrega i srca. Kineski lekari su još pre više milenijuma koristili koru bele vrbe za ublažavanje bolova. Dioskorid je u I veku prvi prepoznao blagotvorno dejstvo vrbe, a jedan vek kasnije sa i čuveni rimski lekar Galen zanimao za lekovitu snagu ove biljke. Savremena nauka takođe priznaje dejstvo bele vrbe na ublažavanje groznice i njeno adstringentno dejstvo. Salicin, koji se nalazi u kori bele vrbe deluje selektivno: kako pokazuju istraživanja, ona blokira prostaglandine u želucu i crevima, pa prllikom njene upotrebe retko dolazi do pojave blagih tegoba u želucu i crevima. Prošavši kroz želudac i creva, salicin se transformiše u jetri i ispoljava blagotvorno dejstvo.

Aktivni sastojci

Ekstrakt bele vrbe 1200.0 mg


Samo odrasle osobe maksimalno 6 x 3 kapsule dnevno.

Pridržavati se propisane doze. Deca i adolescenti ne bi trebalo da koriste ovaj preparat. Osobe koje ne smeju da unose salicilnu kiselinu u svoj organizam ne bi trebalo da koriste ovaj preparat. Trudnicama i dojiljiama se ne preporučuje upotreba ovog preparata.

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