CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

недеља, 22. јануар 2017.

Pure Yucca 500 MG (yucca extract)

CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 100 capsules
     Amount per each capsule:
     Extract of yucca plantlets .........  500 mg

The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients Yucca performs detoxification of the body better than other herbs. It improves the process of digestion and assimilation of food, but also accelerates the process of detoxification. Yucca helps reduce cholesterol levels, rejuvenate the body as a whole.
Yucca, also known as "tree of life", is a wonderful detoxicant, cleaner and immune stimulant. Its main properties are based on one of its ingredients - saponin. Saponin has the properties of natural steroid, it will not give side effects, does not violate the work of the digestive system, helps to speed up the metabolic processes and better assimilation of nutrients.
Recommended dosage: 1-3 capsules 3 times a day, drank 1-2 glasses of water. To facilitate the withdrawal of toxic substances from the body should be drinking 2-3 liters of liquid per day. If not enough liquid may cause an unpleasant experience: headache, dizziness, etc. If you spend the first complete cleaning of the organism, it is necessary to learn the number of cans of yucca, divide your age by 10.


Start the course with one capsule a day, then gradually bring up to three capsules. For maximum effectiveness take yucca with meals. More effective cleaning is achieved when receiving higher doses of yucca in a short time, prolonged use of yucca in small doses is not so effective. Course of cleaning can be carried out 2-3 times per year. Admission of yucca does not interfere with reception of other drugs or medication, but it is desirable not to yucca simultaneously with other drugs. The gap must be at least 2 hours.
Note: because in clearing the organism must consume large amounts of water, along with the toxins and wastes derived also beneficial minerals - calcium, magnesium, etc., so you should replenish their loss by taking the relevant nutraceuticals (for example, Power Mins, Strong Bones etc.)


Children under 10 years old yucca can be given only after consultation with the doctor.
If you have kidney stones or gall bladder, it is not recommended to use yucca.
Pure Yucca 500 MG (yucca extract) 

Pure Yucca kapsule spravljene od samlevene stabljike juke, bogate enzimima, saponinom i hlorofilom, vitaminima, mineralnim materijama, antioksidantima i drugim dejstvenim principima. Ovaj Calivita proizvod predstavlja prirodnu pomoć za detoksikaciju organizma.


Juka je zimzelena biljka poreklom sa Američkog kontinenta. Ekstrakt iz stabljike juka deluje na ljudski organizam na više načina, ali njegovo najvažnije svojstvo je da ubrzavanjem metabolizma pojačava ekskreciju otpadnih i toksičnih materija i time stvarno čisti organizam. Pomaže bolju apsorpciju neophodnih hranljivih materija, poboljšava varanje, jača i reguliše procese izlučivanja i pomaže u terapiji problema debelog creva (npr. crevni katar). Upotrebljiv je i kod drugih zapaljenja, na primer, u slučaju zapaljenja zglobova. Višenedeljna kura jukom podmlađuje organizam. Poboljšava psihofizičku ravnotežu i obezbeđuje dobro opšte osećanje.

Aktivni sastojci
Samlevena stabljika Juke 500 mg

2-3 kapsule dnevno, sa mnogo tečnosti.


Tokom čišćenja neophodno je unositi mnogo tečnosti, tako da bi kapsule trebalo uzimati sa 1-2 velike čaše vode. Trebalo bi piti 2-3 litra tečnosti dnevno, kako bi se pospešilo izbacivanje štetnih materija. U početku, može doći do obilnog mokrenja, dijareje, pada nivoa šećera i kalijuma u krvi. Sve ovo je rezultat ubrzavanja metabolizma, tj. izbacivanja štetnih materija. Ove pojave se mogu eliminisati uzimanjem pravilne doze, adekvatnom ishranom ili ishranom na bazi povrća i biljaka, propisanom od strane nutricioniste. Deca ispod 10 godina smeju uzimati ovaj preparat samo uz saglasnost lekara! Najaktivnije supstance se nalaze u samlevenom prahu biljke.

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