Dosage: 1 tablet daily
Package : 100 tablets
Regular price: €13.97 Sale price: €10.50


Iron plus tablets are in the form of ferro-fumarate, enriched with vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Iron fumarate is an example of chelated iron. Iron plus has an excellent absorption without adverse effect on teeth and digestion and without the burden of the stomach.

Iron is a trace element necessary for building red blood cells (hemoglobin synthesis), to create an important muscle pigment (myoglobin), as well as to create cellular enzyme cytochrome. Body itself cannot synthesize iron; it is coming strictly through our diet.

Iron helps growth, promotes disease resistance, prevents fatigue and anemia and restores lost skin tone. Monthly iron loss at woman is twice as higher than loos at man, when pregnant woman needs twice as much of iron than other woman.
Iron and calcium are the two ingredients that are mostly missing in woman’s diet. Daily woman’s need of iron is about 1.5 mg and for pregnant and nursing woman is about 3.0 mg. Daily diets of 1000 calories contains only about 6 mg of iron.

Approximately 10-15% of infants, children, teenagers, pregnant woman, athletes and elderly people are suffering from the effects of iron deficiency. Iron deficiency in children is primarily manifested through the loss of ability to concentrate, focus, and coordinate and generally lowering the level of intelligence. People who drink a lot of coffee and tea have a greater need for iron.
The most convenient form of iron utilization in the body is a form of chelates. Iron in chelated form has much better submitting and rarely creates stomach problems. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids may also help support the absorption and utilization of iron.

  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
14mg Iron, 30mg Vitamin C, 10mg Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex

CaliVita  ~ Iron Plus

Tablete gvožđa, Calivita Iron Plus, se savršenom apsorpcijom koju omogućuje helatna (organska) veza, vitamin C i bioflavonoidi.

Gvožde je mineral koji je neophadan za život. On je potreban za nastajanje crvenih krvnih zrnaca (hemoglobin) i za formiranje nekih enzima. Do gvožda dolazimo putem ishnane, ali se od tako unesene količine samo 2-20 procenata apsorbuje i stvarno stiže u cirkulaciju. Stoga smo uglavnom upućeni da uzimamo suplementame preparate odnosno tablete za poboljšanja krvne slike, odnosno nivoa gvožđa. Calivita Iron Plus je dobar protiv anemije. Prvenstveno od gvožđa zavisi koja količina kiseonika će stići do mozga, srca, jetre, mišića i ostalih tkiva. Gvožđe u tabletama, Iron Plus, pomaže rast, povećava odbrambenu sposobnost od bolesti i predupređuje zamor. Ono može da spreči i leči anemiju prouzrokovanu nedostatkom gvožđa i može da koži povrati njen prirodno dobar tonus.

Aktivni sastojci
Gvožđe (u obliku fero-fumalata) 10mg
Vitamin C 30mg
Bioflavonidi (citrusnog porekla) 10mg


1 tableta dnevno


Trudnice i dojilje bi trebalo da se posavetuju sa svojim lekarom pre nego počnu da izimaju preparate koji sadrže gvožđe! Ukoliko već uzimate multivitamine, uzimanje dodatne količine gvožđa se preporučuje samo u slučaju nedostatka gvožđa u organizmu. Gvožđe u helatnom obliku ne ometa resorpciju vitamina E, pri čemu ni jedan od nutrimenata ne umanjuje efikasnost onog drugog. Resorpcija gvožđa je smanjena u prisustvu kalcijuma, fosfora, konzumiranjem jakog čaja ikafe, a i ishranom bogatom vlaknima. Kod zdravih osoba, resorpcija gvožđa je pod stalnom kontrolom gastro-intestinalnog trakta, tako da bi unos prevelike količine gvožđa mogao da dovede do bolesti (hemohromatoze). Stalni, visoki unos gvožđa može da intezivira peroksidacione procese u organizmu, što u krajnjem razultira povećanom potrebom za antioksidansima.