Dosage: 1 tablet daily
Package : 100 tablets
Regular price: €17.42 Sale price: €13.10

Ginkgo biloba is the oldest plant in the world. Ginkgo biloba is unique species of tree with no close living relatives. Some fossils prove that these plant lived 270 million years ago. The species inhabited in Europe, Asia and North America long before the dinosaur. Major climatic changes caused the disappearance of many species, ginkgo biloba survived. The name derives from Chinese gin-kio which means silver fruit. It is considered the most vital plant species in the world.
How ginkgo works?
There are three basic ways how ginkgo acts on human body:
- Stimulates blood circulation (including microcirculation in small capillaries) to the most tissues and organs
- Protect cells from free radicals
- It blocks formation of clots

Blood circulation, oxygen and nutrients supply weakness with age. European studies have shown that ginkgo increases the blood flow to the brain, so the supply of nutrients is better. Application of ginkgo is justified in dementia including Alzheimer’s disease, forgetfulness, headaches, dizziness, confusion, trouble concentrating, and depression.
Heart and blood vessels:
Ginkgo increases blood flow to the heart, better supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart cells. It inhibits platelet aggregation and thus preventive effect on the clot formation in the coronary arteries. For angina pectoris is recommended with Coenzyme Q10 and Oxymax .
Leg vessels: the antioxidant properties of ginkgo can help reduce cholesterol oxidation and formation of atherosclerotic lesions. On this way there is a big progress in pain reduction and leg cramps.

Ginkgo helps to improve the blood supply of the eye retina, which normally weakness with age and leads to frequent problems such as cataract, glaucoma and age-related blindness. It is especially recommended for preventing diabetic retinopathy and better glucose regulation.
Aging causes hearing loss because of the poor circulation nerves of the inner ear which does not receive enough blood. Gingko combined with Coenzyme Q10 achieved great results in hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Lungs:
Even the ancient Chinese doctors noticed the beneficial effects of ginkgo in the most lung diseases form asthma to bronchitis.
Proved excellent for muscle pain (fibromyalgia) and it is especially recommended combination of Ginkgo and Coenzyme Q10 to protect muscle (people taking medication to lower cholesterol)
Ginkgo leaves have been used externally to treat frostbite fingers and toes, nose and ears. It is used in cosmetics manufacture.

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90mg Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (std. 24% flavonglycosides, 6 % terpenes)

Ginko XC – Ginko Biloba tablete

Ginko Biloba je dvodomo listopadno drvo, koje se iz mnogiih aspekata može smatrati neobičnim. Ginko Biloba neverovatno je otporno drvo, pravi je pobednik borbe za opstanak.
Aktivni sastojci Ginko Bilobe se dele u dve grupe, u flavonoide i terpene, a preparati na principu njegovog ekstrakta se standardizuju* na ova dva sastojka. Flavonoidi Ginko Bilobe doprinose normalnom funkcionisanju curkulatornog sistema, odgovarajućem strujanju krvi, a tako i snabdevanju ćelija kiseonikom i hranljivim materijama. To je bitno, jer im se dejstva izvanredno pokazuju u moždanim funkcijama, u poboljšanju memorije i moći koncetracije zato ih često nazivaju tablete za pamćenje, u održavanju zdrave cirkulacije i u zdravom funkcionisanju ćelija.
Upotreba Ginko Biloba tablete se zato preporučuje kao potpora za održavanje cerebralnih funkcija u poznim godinama na odgovarajućem nivou, a tu se pre svega misli na nelagodnosti koje se javljaju sa godinama, kao što su zaboravnost i zujanje u ušima, u čijoj pozadini najverovatnije stoji fiziološko slabljenje moždane cirkulacije.
Preparat Ginko Biloba Tablete može biti koristan i u mlađoj dobi, u slučaju pojačane opterećenosti (stres, ispitni rok – kao tablete za pamćenje, pojačana očekivanja na radnom mestu), odnosno sportistima. Osim toga, usled svog stimulativnog dejstva na cirkulaciju, Ginko Biloba tablete se naročito preporučuju osobama koje često primećuju (naročito u hladnijim podnebljima, odnosno mesecima) hladnoću u udovima i njihovo teško zagrevanje.
Ginko Biloba tablete su i izvanredan antioksidant, čiji aktivni sastojci mogu pružiti zaštitu od štetnog dejstva slobodnih radikala.
Zbog blagotvornog dejstva na zdravlje Ginko Bilobe, odlučili smo se sa izradu preparata koji sadrži jedan jedini sastojak, standardizovani ekstrakt biljke Ginko Biloba, i to u blago povećanoj dozi u odnosu na većinu preparata koji su trenutno dostupni na tržištu. Postoji mnoštvo potrošača, koji ne bi želeli da se odreknu svojih omiljenih multivitamina ili antioksidanata koje su do sada efikasno koristili, a istovremeno bi želeli da uživaju u blagotvornim fiziološkim efektima Ginka. Ovaj preparat preporučujemo pre svega njima, odnosno onima koji bi želeli da im Ginko Biloba bude dostupna u povećanoj dozi.

Upotreba Ginko Biloba tableta

1-2 tablete dnevno

*Ekstrakt lišća u Ginkgo XC-u je standardizovan na 24% flavon-glikozida i 6% terpena.