Dosage: 2 capsules per day
Package : 100 caps
Regular price: €43.49 Sale price: €32.70

Today chocolate is mentioned together with caries, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. However, countless studies have confirmed that the valuable active ingredients of the cocoa bean can act against these very conditions. It may sound contradictory but it is relatively easy to resolve it. The extremely high sugar and fat content of chocolate contribute to the development of these common conditions and high levels of bioflavonoids are lost during production, while those that remain cannot be absorbed fully because of added milk. This is why we developed our new product, Cocoa Bean Extract + with cocoa bean extract and goji extract.

The stimulant theobromine, caffeine and flavonoid, all have an impact on the nervous system and are components of cocoa. A Swiss study also confirmed the sedative effect of cocoa, when after two weeks of consuming 40 g of dark chocolate participants with high stress experienced a fall in stress levels, to leaves equivalent to those with low stress. In addition, cocoa also increases blood circulation in the brain, which has an impact on not only one's mood but also mental performance.

Mental fitness

By supporting blood circulation in the brain, the active ingredients of cocoa may also be effective in avoiding or slowing down dementia and may contribute to alertness, fast thinking and concentration. In a study, where the participants were given 520 mg cocoa flavanols, attention improved significantly compared to the placebo group. In another study, after the consumption of dark chocolate, better sight and mental performance was established via memory tests and reaction times. Consequently, researchers assume that the beneficial effects of cocoa on memory, learning, eyesight and reaction times can be attributed to the fact that it enhances blood circulation in the brain. Cocoa can contribute to preserving your mental health and wellbeing and performing your daily tasks easier and faster without any added fat or sugar. Try our new product, Cocoa Bean Extract+, in which we increase the beneficial effects of cocoa with goji extract.

Losing weight with cocoa?
A recently published clinical study confirmed the effectiveness of cocoa in case of slimming diets. The researchers divided dieters into three groups. One group followed a diet of low carbohydrate contents, the second group had the same diet supplemented with 42 g chocolate of high cocoa content daily, while the third group could eat what they wished. By the end of the study, the chocolate group lost more weight than members of the first group. From this we can reasonably deduce that a slimming diet with high cocoa content can probably contribute to successful weight loss. Although it is hard to include chocolate of high sugar content into the diet or slimming diet of people living with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, we now have a solution for that because we no longer need chocolate to experience the advantages of cocoa.

To Whom?
- In stressful, tense periods in order to maintain balance,
- as a natural stimulant in case of depression and tiredness,
- in order to preserve mental freshness and improve memory, especially in old age,
- in order to promote concentration in times of hard mental work or exam periods.

450 mg Cocoa extract, 50 mg Goji extract


Cocoa Bean EXTRACT + 100 CAPS (100 kapsula)

Cocoa Bean Extract+ zahvaljujuci sadržaju ekstrakta kakao zrna, može da pruži efikasnu pomoc u slucaju depresije ili izloženosti visokom nivou stresa. Flavonoidi koje kakao sadrži, jacaju osecaj smirenosti i raspoloženja, kofein smanjuje umor i deluje kao stimulant, dok teobromin stimuliše funkcionisanje nervnog sistema i doprinosi poboljšanju mentalnih sposobnosti. Zahvaljujuci visokom sadržaju magnezijuma u sastavu, ima smirujuce dejstvo na nerve, dok kalijum u sastavu može da pomogne u normalizaciji krvnog pritiska, i može da doprinese prevenciji nastanka tromboze ili cak i srcanog infarkta.

Kome preporucujemo?

Tokom stresnih i napetih perioda za potrebe održavanja unutrašnje ravnoteže. Kao prirodni stimulant u slucaju depresije i umora. U cilju ocuvanja mentalne svežine i poboljšanja memorije, posebno tokom starijeg doba. Za poboljšanje koncentracije tokom perioda izloženosti povecanom mentalnom naporu usled posla ili ispitnih rokova.


450mg Ekstrakt kakao zrna
50mg Ekstrakt biljke godži (goji berry)


1 kapsula dnevno