Noni se preporučuje:
- U cilju povećanja otpornosti organizma
- U cilju postizanja uravnoteženog funkcionisanja tela
- U cilju povećanja i održavanja opštih nivoa energije
- U cilju suplementacije procesa detoksikacije
Noni (Morinda citrifolia) je egzotičan
plod, koji sadrži nekoliko supstanci od vitalne važnosti. Organski noni
sok je kompleksan preparat, dizajniran tako da ima blagotvorno dejstvo
na zdravlje, bogat je vitaminima, aminokiselinama i mineralima. Podstiče
ćelijske funkcije i normalnu deobu ćelija, a redukuje i zapaljenske
procese u telu. Doprinosi detoksikacionoj funkciji jetre i ima
antibakterijsko, antivirusno i antifungalno dejstvo.
Upotreba izraza „organski”, ili drugačije receno
„bio” je u zadnje vreme prilično u trendu. „Organsko” poslovanje je u
procvatu, a i potražnja je u značajnoj meri porasla. Svesni potrošaci
pri kupovini daju prednost bio namirnicama i odevnim predmetima, medutim
mnogi još uvek ne znaju šta u stvari podrazumeva ovaj izraz.
Noni pripada grupi najpopularnijih egzotičnih
super-voća, pošto je ekstremno bogato aktivnim sastojcima koji doprinose
očuvanju zdravlja. Savremeni razvoj tehnologije u kombinaciji sa
ekološki prihvatljivim načinom proizvodnje CaliVita proizvoda, omogućava
nam, da dobijemo najviše od onoga što nam ovo fenomenalno voće nudi.
Koje su neke od značajnijih prednosti svakodnevnog konzumiranja nonija?
Antibakterijsko dejstvo nonija može pomoći u
izbegavanju infekcija ili da učini terapije protiv istih lakšim.
Određeni aktivni agensi u noniju mogu pomoći u borbi protiv bakterija i
najčešćih infekcija i trovanja prouzrokovana hranom. Ostale studije su
dokazale da je njena efiksanost u inhibiranju bakterije koje prouzrokuje
tuberkolozu uporediva sa dejstvom antibiotika.
Plodovi organskog nonija koji dolaze sa ekološki kontrolisanih farmi začinjeni su organski uzgojenim malinama. Polinezijski noni dolazi iz nezagadene prirode, a organski noni dolazi sa farmi koje su klasifikovane kao organske.
Noni može efikasno da dopuni terapije protiv visokog krvnog pritiska.
Jedna studija iz 2010 godine govori o tome, da je
redovnom konzumacijom nonija uspešno prevenirano povećanje nivoa
triglicerida i LDL holesterola u krvi, koje se javlja nakon konzumiranja
namirnica sa visokim sadržajem masnoća. Takvo povećanje nivoa masti je
znatnim delom odgovorno za nastajanje arterioskleroze i delom i za
kardiovaskularna obolenja.
Studije, koje su dodatno potvrdene sa brojnim
svedočenjima korisnika govore o tome, da noni ima i istaknuto
antiinflamatorno dejstvo. Pored toga, nežnije deluje na želudac, u
poredenju sa antiinflamatornim sredstvima, a takođe nema ni neželjena
sporedna dejstva.
In vitro studije su pokazale da organski noni sok
poseduje izvanredno antioksidativno dejstvo. Tokom eksperimenta je
uspešno sačuvalo ćelije od štetnog dejstva slobodnih radikala, i to
skoro tri puta efikasnije od vitamina C.
Pakovanje: 946 ml
Organic certified noni fruit solids (Morinda citrifolia)
Upotreba: Ukoliko lekar drugacije ne odredi, 2 supene kasike dusa dnevno, pola sata pre obroka.
Organic Noni Pack - platiš 3 dobiješ 4
novi Organic Noni Pack sa 25% popusta. Organic Noni Pack sadrži 4 boce –
3 platite 4 dobijate. Poklon proizvod (za 1 dinar) birate sami i to od
ponuđenih: Organic Noni (CV0172),
Da biste ovaj vrhunski proizvod kupili po klubskoj ceni, molim Vas da uradite jednu BESPLATNU ONLINE REGISTRACIJU :
Dovoljna je jedna ONLINE registracija klikom na LINK : registration/3814127090
Organic Noni – High concentrated Noni juice
Morinda citrifolia
(the Polynesian language: noni) is exotic fruit, which contains several
substances of vital importance. Polynesian noni noni juice and organic
products are complex, designed to have a beneficial effect on health,
rich in vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Stimulate cellular function
and normal division of cells, and reduce the inflammation in the body.
Contribute liver function and have antibacterial, antiviral and
antifungal activities.
The use of the term
“organic”, or put in another way, “BIO” is lately quite trendy.
“Organic” business is booming, and demand has significantly increased.
Aware of the consumers in the purchase prefer a food and clothing items,
however many still do not know what is really meant this term.
Noni belongs to the most popular exotic super-fruit, as it is extremely rich in active ingredients that contribute to the preservation of health. Modern technology development combined with environmental practices CaliVita products, enabling us to get the most out of what we offer this amazing fruit.
Noni belongs to the most popular exotic super-fruit, as it is extremely rich in active ingredients that contribute to the preservation of health. Modern technology development combined with environmental practices CaliVita products, enabling us to get the most out of what we offer this amazing fruit.
What are some of the most important benefits of daily consumption of noni?
Antimicrobial activity of noni may help avoid infections or to do
therapy against them easier. Certain active agents in noni can help
fight bacteria and the most common infections and food poisoning caused
by food. Other studies have shown that its efficacy in inhibiting the
bacteria that causes tuberculosis is comparable to the effect of
Organic noni fruits that come from environmentally controlled farms are blended organically grown raspberries. Polynesian noni comes from unpolluted nature and organic noni comes from farms classified as organic.
Organic noni fruits that come from environmentally controlled farms are blended organically grown raspberries. Polynesian noni comes from unpolluted nature and organic noni comes from farms classified as organic.
Noni can effectively complement the therapy against high blood pressure.
One study from 2010 talking about, that regular consumption of noni
successfully prevented an increase in levels of triglycerides and LDL
cholesterol in the blood, which occurs after the consumption of foods
with high fat content. Such an increase in the level of fat is a
substantial share of responsibility for the formation of
arteriosclerosis and partly for cardiovascular diseases.
The studies, which were further confirmed with numerous testimonies of users talking about it, that noni has a prominent anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, gentler effect on the stomach, compared with antiinflammatory agents, and also has no adverse side effects.
In vitro studies have shown that organic noni juice has extraordinary antioxidant effect. During the experiment has been successfully preserved cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, and it is almost three times more effective than vitamin C.
The studies, which were further confirmed with numerous testimonies of users talking about it, that noni has a prominent anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, gentler effect on the stomach, compared with antiinflammatory agents, and also has no adverse side effects.
In vitro studies have shown that organic noni juice has extraordinary antioxidant effect. During the experiment has been successfully preserved cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, and it is almost three times more effective than vitamin C.
- In order to improve the resistance of the body,
- to support the balanced operation of the body,
- to increase and maintain general energy levels,
- to supplement detoxifying processes.
Organic certified noni fruit solids (Morinda citrifolia)
Price for the item is 70.22 € + shipping
Register for free HERE
And You can buy this product for only 52.80 € + shipping
Register for free HERE
And You can buy this product for only 52.80 € + shipping
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