CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

среда, 20. септембар 2017.

C 1000 Plus 100 tab

C 1000 Plus 100 tab


Svi proizvodi su dodatno ispitani i imaju odobrenje Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije.

Vitamin C (askorbinska kiselina) spada u grupu vitamina topivih u vodi. U svetu poznati naučnk i dvostruki nobelovac, biohemičar Linus Pauling, lično je promovisao svakodnevno dodatno uzimanje vitamina C kao važan dio prevencije bolesti. 
Vrlo mali broj ljudi dobija dovoljnu količinu vitamina C isključivo putem svakodnevne ishrane. Minimalne dnevne potrebe (75 mg) dostatne su samo da bi se sprečio skorbut, ali potrebe našeg organizma za C vitaminom znatno su veće i nisu uvek jednake. Na primer, u slučaju povišene telesne temperature raste i potreba za C vitaminom. Vitamin C je, unazad desetak godina, na dobrom glasu kao jedan od najvažnijih i najčešće korištenih antioksidansa. Neutralizirajući slobodne radikale koji se stvaraju u tkivima, direktno doprinosi očuvanju celine ćelijske strukture, posebno genetskog materijala.

Najvažnija uloga vitamina C je u održanju optimalne funkcije ćelija imunosistema, pa dodatnim unosom vitamina C jačamo vlastiti imunitet. Neophodan je i u sintezi hormona nadbubrežne žlezde, pomaže aktivnost timusa, resorpciju gvožđa, i tako utiče na snižavanje nivoa holesterola u krvi. Vitamin C učestvuje i u sintezi kolagena, koštanog i hrskavičnog tkiva. U današnjem svetu, kada toksini čine neizostavan deo našeg okruženja, ističe se sposobnost vitamina C u zaštiti od kancerogenih materija i hemijskih toksina. Važnu ulogu ima i u terapiji alergija, pri čemu smanjuje sintezu histamina i umanjuje intenzitet alergijskih reakcija.

Kome se preporučuje?

• Osobama koje su podložnije zarazama.
• Za svakoga tokom zimskog perioda, za jačanje imunog sistema.
• Osobama koje se bave sportom ili obavljaju teške fizičke poslove, za veću izdržljivost.
• Osobama koje su pod intenzivnim mentalnim stresom, za normalno funkcionisanje nervnog sistema.
• Starijim osobama i onima koji se oporavljaju od bolesti.
• Za poboljšanje apsorpcije gvožđa (posebno za žene tokom plodnih godina, kao i za osobe koje pate od anemije,        nastale usled nedostatka gvožđa)


1 tableta dnevno ili prema savetu stručne osobe.

Pakovanje: 100 tableta


Cena: 3.292,00 din
Cena s popustom: 2.469,00 din
Proizvođač: CaliVita International

 C 1000 Plus 100 tab

Aktivni sastojci:

  • vitamin C (L-askorbinska kiselina) 1000 mg
  • prah ploda organskog šipka (Rosa canina) 125 mg
  •  C1000 PLUS

  • C1000 Plus supports the protective activity of our immune system with delayed release mega dose vitamin C and organic grown rosehips to intensify its effects during every critical period when our body needs it most. In addition, it also contributes to normal collagen production and helps maintain the health of blood vessels, bones, cartilages, teeth, gums and the skin.

    Vitamin C, (also known as Ascorbic Acid) is a water soluble vitamin that is used by the metabolism in many important ways. It helps activates numerous enzymes, has an important role in cell respiration, and offers protection against stress. It assists in the absorption of iron, and, together with folic acid and vitamin B12, stimulates red blood cell production. It helps support the functioning of the nervous system, and it participates in the structural formation of bone, blood vessels, connective tissue and collagen. It is also an excellent anti-oxidant, helping to protect cells against damage caused by free radicals.

    Other than the aforementioned functions, metabolic demand for Vitamin C may be increased by such things as physical activity, smoking, drinking, lack of rest, illness, or medications. As Vitamin C is water soluble, it is not stored in the body, but passes out of the metabolism relatively quickly. CaliVita® Vitamin C products are formulated for timed-release, continuous absorption. thereby ensuring sustained bioavailability

    C 1000 Plus
    formula alongside natural origin vitamin C also contains rosehip powder from organic farming that helps to protect cells against oxidative stress (has antioxidant activity), has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Rosehip also helps to maintain the health, flexibility and mobility of joints, supports the proper functioning of the urinary system, and plays an important role in the digestive process.
    In the natural vitamin C, ascorbic acid molecules are linked together to form multiple, chemically complex molecules for which the action is much longer than the effect of a simple synthetic ascorbic acid.
    Did you know that Albert Szent-Györgyi, the Hungarian scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for isolating vitamin C and exploring its role, consumed 1,000 mg vitamin C daily until his death at the age of 93 and whenever he fell ill he raised his daily dosage to 8,000 mg?

    Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency may include: weakening of the immune system, susceptibility to infections, slower recovery after diseases, lengthened healing of wounds, gingival haemorrhage, pyorrhoea, and muscle pain.

  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner, before taking any supplement.
  • If you have a history of kidney stones, seek medical advice before taking a Vitamin C supplement.
  • Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place, as Vitamin C is sensitive to heat and light.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: natural vitamin C, Calivita, C 1000 Plus, ascorbic acid, bioflavanoids, resistance, immunity, cold

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