CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

уторак, 15. новембар 2016.

Garlic Caps - food supplement

Garlic is one of the best known spices, yet few people know that apart from its characteristic flavor, it also has many other beneficial effects e.g. help maintain normal blood trygliceride levels. Garlic Caps contains the active ingredients of garlic and parsley. These herbs have been used in medicine efficiently for several hundred years.

Some studies have linked prolonged garlic consumption with cardiovascular health. Consumption appears to favorably influence the lipid, cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Moreover, some research has suggested garlic appears to help reduce the amount of cholesterol that clings to the inside of blood vessel walls. Another active ingredient in Garlic, called allicin, has exhibited strong antibiotic, antiseptic and fungicidal properties.

Garlic Caps is a gel capsule which combines garlic with parsley. Aside from the many vitamins and minerals it contains, parsley helps to mitigate some of the unpleasant effects people normally associate with consumption of fresh garlic, such as odor and heartburn.

  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner, before taking any supplement.
  • This product is for adults only, and should not be used during pregnancy or nursing.
  • If you have a cardiovascular or blood condition or disease, or any other type of medical condition, or are taking medication, or are scheduled for any kind of operation or medical procedure, seek qualified medical advice before using this product.
  • Drink plenty of water or fruit juice, while using this product.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Garlic Caps, Calivita, garlic, parsley, resistance

Calivita Garlic Caps - Kapsule Belog Luka



Calivita Garlic Caps su želatinske kapsule belog luka koje sadrže beli luk i peršun; vekovima uspešno primenjivani u narodnoj medicini, sa širokim spektrom primene, a izbegavajući neprijatne pojave svežeg belog luka (neprijatan miris, gorušica). Kapsule belog luka su pogodne za upotrebu na svakom mestu i u svako vreme. Kapsule belog luka korisne su za imunitet.

Antibakterijski i antifungalni efekti belog luka i njegov zaštitni efekat na kardiovaskularni sistem može da se objasni dragocenim komponentama sumpora, koji je takođe odgovoran i za njegov karakteristični miris. Ova biljka sadrži više od 200 vrsta biološki aktivnih supstanci, uključujući vitamine, aminokiseline i enzime.
Kome preporučujemo?
  • Zbog svog antibiotskog efekta, može uspešno da se primenjuje u slučaju oboljenja od gripa i u slučaju kašlja
  • Podstiče izlučivanje tečnosti iz organizma
  • U cilju smanjenja rizika od razvoja arteroskleroze i kao pomoć u normalizaciji krvnog pritiska
  • Kao pomoć u terapiji redukcije nivoa holesterola
  • Osobama koje žele da kontrolišu nivo masti u krvi prirodnim putem
  • Poboljšava elastičnost krvnih sudova
  • Poboljšava cirkulaciju

Beli luk je začinska biljka, odavno poznata po svome pozitivnom dejstvu na zdravlje. Sadrži preko 200 vrsta biološki aktivnih materija - vitamina, mineralnih materija, aminokiselina i enzima. U mnogim aspektima korisno utiče na funkcionisanje našeg organizma.

Aktivni sastojci Garlic Caps
Kapsule belog luka sadrže ekstrakt belog luka 350.0 mg i ekstrakt Persuna 250.0 mg

Kapsule belog luka - Upotreba

2-4 kapsule dnevno

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