CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

понедељак, 24. октобар 2016.

Slim Formula -high-effective supplement for slimming and increases of endurance of an organism

CaliVita® International, USA
Quantity: 90 tablets.

     Amount per each tablet:
Prickly cochineal cactus Nopal 100 mg
L-Carnitine complex 40 mg
Garcinia cambogia 100 mg
Fenchel seed 40 mg
Zinziber root 50 mg
Curcuma root 25 mg
Green Tea extract 50 mg
Lecithin 25 mg
Chromium picolinate 50 mg  

The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients People dissatisfied with their bodies, concerned primarily shortcomings of his shape, and only secondarily think about how excess weight affects their health. Ideal body weight is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but from the standpoint of preserving the health of the whole organism. Ingredients that make up the dietary supplement Slim Formula, help not only effectively reduce weight, but also provide excretion of slags and toxic substances from the body, support digestion and bowel function, removal of delayed liquid, cleaning tissues and a stimulation of metabolism.

Green tea extract. Caffeine contained in this speeds up the metabolic processes, increasing the heat output. It gives strength and energy, increases efficiency, so it is often used as a main ingredient in drugs for weight reduction. It contains polyphenols, vitamins E and C, which help protect cells against the harmful effects of free radicals.

Nopal is Cochineal prickly cactus. It regulates body weight and metabolic processes, promotes weight loss. Contains nutrients that are useful for the organism.

L-carnitine. It is an excellent "vehicle", transports molecules of fatty acids to the mitochondria, which generate the necessary energy for cells. L-carnitine is involved in fat metabolism at the cellular level, but also contributes to the proper working of the muscles.

Lecithin. It improves the ability to concentrate and optimize the nervous system.

Chromium picolinate. Is an integral part of carbohydrate metabolism. By increasing the action of insulin, it affects the exchange of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In this organic form chromium perfectly processed by the body.

Garcinia cambogia. Its active ingredient hydroxycitrate reduces appetite. Hydroxycitrate prevents converting into fat of carbohydrates entering into the body, thereby contributing effectively reducing body weight.

Ginger helps produce heat and substantial increase in cellular metabolism.

Curcuma. Plays vital role in stimulating development of bile by the liver, ensures good digestion and purification of the digestive tract. When high development of bile blood cholesterol reduces, sо cholesterol is part of bile.

Fenhel seeds help to improve the function of the stomach, accelerate metabolism, reduce swelling and have a diureticeffect.

Slim Formula is termogenetic dietary supplement to achieve optimal physical form, weight loss, removal of toxins. The greatest effect is achieved when combining reception Slim Formula and regular physical exercise.

Recommended dosage: 3 x 1 tablet per day.

Calivita Slim Formula je dodatak ishrani u obliku tableta, koja pomaže proces smanjenja viška telesne težine, delotvorno pomaže postizanje i održavanje optimalne težine.

Calivita Slim Formula je dodatak ishrani u obliku tableta, koja pomaže proces mršavljenja, delotvorno pomaže postizanje i održavanje optimalne težine. Sastojci Calivita Slim Formule, kompleksnog prirodnog preparata za mršavljenje, deluju na prirodan i sinergistički način (pojačavaju međusobno dejstvo), i pomažu našem organizmu u ponovnom uspostavljanju poremećene ravnoteže razmene materije, kao i u tome, da naš organizam efikasno pretvara unete namirnice u energiju.

Zašto baš Slim Formula? Calivita Slim Formula je kompleksan preparat za mršavljenje, koji je u slučaju dugotrajne upotrebe izuzetno delotvoran. Prvi doživljaj se oseća već u našim čulima mirisa i ukusa, jer preparat Slim Formula, naspram drugih sličnih proizvoda za mršavljenje veoma prijatnog mirisa i ukusa.

Ekstrakti lekovitih biljaka koje sadrži, pružaju veoma prijatan miris i ukus ovom preparatu za mršavljenje . Njihov uticaj u mnogome pomaže, da vrlo rado uzimamo ovaj preparat za mrsavljenje. Naspram drugih preparata sagorevača masti, aktivni elementi u sastavu preparata za mršavljenje Slim Formula prvenstveno čiste organizam od štetnih materija, doprinose boljem varenju i poboljšanju funkcije crevnog trakta, pomažu procese razmene materije, izlučivanje tečnosti, kao i oslobađanje vezivnog tkiva od masnih naslaga i vode.


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