Da li biste voleli da se ujutru budite relaksirani, radite u pozitivnom okruženju i učestvujete u prijatnim večernjim programima?

Ljudi koji razumeju suštinu naše filozofije, priključuju nam se zato što oni biraju zdravlje i prednosti koje im obezbeđuje finansijska sigurnost u isto vreme.

Ukoliko ste i Vi Član ove zajednice, možete dobiti ono šta zaslužujete. Vaše stanje svesti može biti dobro uravnoteženo, možete uspostaviti nove veze i odnose i upoznati se sa raznim stranim gradovima i kulturama. Jako je dobar osećaj koji nas prosto nagrađuje, kada vidimo da su osobe koje volimo, srećne i zadovoljne.

U sistemu CaliVita International Mreže, granice između rada i zabave se mešaju.... ako malo bolje razmislimo, to ni ne može drugačije biti u takvim odličnim uslovima i sa odgovarajućom podrškom.

Članovi Mreže mogu da sa minimalnim ulaganjem i bez rizika, u srazmeri sa uloženim vremenom i energijom, ostvare značajan prihod.
  1. Nezavisnost. Svaki Član može sam da odluči kada i sa kim će raditi.

2. Materijalna sigurnost. CaliVita International svakom svom Članu obezbeđuje mogućnost da, u srazmeri sa angažovanim vremenom i energijom, stekne prihod i stvori sopstvenu materijalnu sigurnost. Natprosečni učinak Firma honoriše posebnim, ekstra nadoknadama.

3. Uspešnost. CaliVita International svoje najuspešnije Članove nagrađuje i moralnim i materijalnim priznanjima. Svakome je pružena mogućnost da bude uspešan i samo od sopstvene odluke svakoga Člana zavisi želi li da iskoristi tu mogućnost.

4. Timski rad. Članovi Mreže su deo CaliVita-tima, u kome mogu da steknu poznanike i prijatelje, a pored toga obezbeđena im je i mogućnost da svoje vreme provode na zanimljiv i prijatan način.

5. Zdravlje. Ko usvaja i sledi filozofiju Firme, mnogo čini u interesu očuvanja svog zdravlja. Korišćenje dodataka ishrani CaliVita International predstavlja nerazdvojni deo zdravog načina života.

Povoljnosti članstva u CaliViti:
Dostupnost CaliVita proizvoda (dodaci ishrani, proizvodi za ličnu negu i elektronski uređaji)
Čak i do 50% popusta prilikom svake kupovine
Specijalne akcije i popuste za dodatne mogućnosti uštede
Najsavremeniji proizvodi najvišeg kvaliteta na bazi prirodnih sastojaka
Više od 50 miliona $ uloženo u R&D naučne studije
Više od 600 medicinskih i nutricionističkih stručnjaka
Više od 250 prirodnih sastojaka koji se koriste u širokom spektru palete proizvoda
12.000 testova kontrole kvaliteta godišnje
Proizvodni pogoni vrhunskog farmaceutskog kvaliteta sa FDA odobrenjem
Garancija kvaliteta
Mogućnost gradnje sopstvene CaliVita mreže, koja Vam ujedno pruža novčanu nagradu i šansu za pomaganje drugima
Više od 15 miliona zadovoljnih korisnika širom sveta

Proizvode CaliVite International  možete naručiti u sledećom državama ,gde smo legalno prisutni :
Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Macedonia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine.

Why CaliVita?


Sure you are too bombarded by newer and newer network systems with fantastic “panaceas” and an income of several millions. Unfortunately lots of careless people fall for companies promising “lots of money for little work” then after some months they quit their dream-business as it turns out that money does not grow on trees. In the present article we would like to offer you a brief summary of the point of views you should observe when you choose an MLM company or if you have already decided what kind of reasoning system you would like to persuade your future business associates.

Stable track record

Experts say we should join only such a company that is already proven to make money, has a past of at least of 5-10 years and has produced real results. It is a fact that the 80% of companies starting out today will not exist in 5 years so should be accepted with reserves, no matter how attractive the perspectives they promise should be. CaliVita has been supporting us with reliable, stable backgrounds for 20 years; we can count on it in the future as well!

Wide range of products

Many companies try to gain market with an only product so they are forced to advertise it as a cure-all panacea. They may succeed in keeping up the appearances for a while but after a month or two everyone will be aware that fair service can be offered only with a wide range of products. From among the more than 100 products of CaliVita it is guaranteed that everyone can choose the best for them.


Top-quality products, reasonable prices

In general, the price/quality ratio of network products are acceptable, however some companies build in a huge price margin into the price of the products in order to amaze their distributors by higher percentages of bonus. Unfortunately it will cost dear to the customers too and sooner or later will get disappointed for the unrealistically high prices the products cost. CaliVita products are sold at very fair and acceptable prices; they contain several active ingredients in high doses and large servings.

Easy to join

Perhaps this is one of the most important points of view when choosing an MLM company. We can build a stable business only if the conditions of registration are acceptable for almost everyone and anyone can afford to join. Many companies charge for registration a lot, promising that a newly starting member will make money fast if they make join some people also with a starting package that costs several hundreds or even several thousands euros. Unfortunately in this case too it turns out soon that an average person cannot achieve this but by the time they come to themselves, they have already shoved off on them a huge package full of products they do not need and in turn they would like to sell off them by force. However in CaliVita we can launch our business already with purchasing one or two products and our registration conditions are acceptable for everyone.

No compulsory purchasing

Many companies make huge demands on consumers and members, with compulsory monthly purchases and forceful business plans. So those who have paid the price of the huge starting package and even so, they have to buy for high prices in the beginning in every months, soon lose their motivation and will advertise their company because they are forced to, and after a while they will burn out and will judge all the other companies disillusioned, “injured by MLM”. However in CaliVita distributors receive bonus payment even if some months passed without personal purchasing but on the basis of the turnover of the group we are entitled to it. Of course if somebody would like to have a huge business it makes sense to consume our dietary supplements regularly as this is the way to become authentic for others.

Products to be used up, meeting a real demand

The essence of network systems is to find lots of consumers who like our products and would like to consume them on the long run, and if they are satisfied with them, recommend them to other people. In today’s world every people needs the dietary supplements of CaliVita as our way of life and the quality of our food has changed. As health stands on the number one place in the life of all of us, with our products we can preserve exactly that value which is the most important for us. As for quality, the best guarantee is that our company has been working and developing continuously for 20 years without media ads and obligations as good experiences were always available and authentic. As our products are used up, those we introduce our company to and are satisfied with our products, will order them month by month from our center and our network builders receive bonus payment according the turnover.

Available training system

It is well-known that the training system of MLM companies is of high level and is acknowledged in the world of business. It is an important point for our distributors to have up-to-date information and knowledge either about the products or the business. So CaliVita puts an enormous emphasis on the training of network builders and distributors. Countless info nights, consultations, seminars, trainings, prints, newsletters, cds/dvds, books make it easier for our active members to be successful as soon as possible. While the distributors' personality develops as well, they acquire such abilities and skills by which they can build a business of whatever dimension.


Stable sponsor line, reliable management

Sure you also met “MLM hyenas” who sought you in the last 3 years with the 5th newly started, fantastic MLM business. As they receive a more promising offer, they move on and bring us “the Paradise on earth” damaging the reputation of our profession by doing so. Thanks to the management and business philosophy of CaliVita distributors are able to work with a background which firmly stands by them for 20 years and does everything so that they could live a quality life. The sponsors’ two-decade experience, devotion and faithfulness to the Company is exemplary and to be followed for everyone in the market of network building companies.
Many of our members already found the real one! We wish you that it would be CaliVita to make your dreams come true!
CaliVita International products can be ordered in the following countries, where we are legally present:

Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Macedonia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine.

Online buying and registration:
Sponsor Angelina Banjari code number 3814127090 Sponsor