CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

недеља, 3. фебруар 2019.

OxyMax ~ Stabilized Oxygen



Without oxygen a person can not live a few minutes. To maintain homeostasis cells needs oxygen in sufficient quantities. If for any reason, less oxygen comes to the cells, the vital body functions violated. For example, the main cause of heart attacks is a violation of the oxygen supply of heart muscle.
Industrialization and the associated environmental pollution (especially in big cities) leads to the fact that the amount of oxygen in the air is constantly decreasing. It is considered that the oxygen content in air is 21%, but, unfortunately, to date, this percentage is much lower. At the same time, negative factors of civilization give additional burden on the body, and therefore the demand for oxygen increases. The result is an increase in oxygen demand and increasing impoverishment of its source.

In the United States are developed various biological sources of oxygen. The most effective is Stabilized Oxygen, which enters the body in molecular form and gets into the blood in the process of digestion.
Each molecule of OxyMax, which is manufactured using the patented technology from richest sources of pure oxygen, contains a large number of oxygen atoms and can provide cells with oxygen, in which they need. The components that are used to obtain OxyMax, are non-toxic and refer to the food products.
The oxygen content in normal tap water is in average 7-12 molecules per 1 million molecules of water. This number is denoted as 7-12 ppm. Stabilized Oxygen contains in average 240,000 ppm of oxygen!

Stabilized oxygen has the following properties:
  • is extremely stable, does not decompose even after several years;
  • with regular use does not adversely impact, is perfectly safe;
  • is not conducive to the formation of free radicals;
  • is easily digested;
  • contains 12.000 molecules of oxygen per million particles.

Red blood cells transport into the cells 99% of oxygen, and plasma - only 1%. Stabilized oxygen enters the cells from the blood plasma, so even in the case of insufficient number of red blood cells or low content of hemoglobin, the cells get the oxygen it needs.
Stabilized oxygen (OxyMax), contributing to supply cells with oxygen, improves metabolism, improves the absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs. It is also a beneficial effect on the body by physical exercises, when oxygen demand increases, increases endurance. It fills your body with energy, improves physiological processes.
The use of stabilized oxygen therapy offers an enormous effect, especially in the treatment of respiratory diseases and cardiovascular pathologies. It can be used also for cleaning the body, as it has anti-bacterial properties. However, stabilized oxygen destroys only pathogens; by contrast, it supports beneficial bacteria. OxyMax is an extremely effective supplement with a wide range of applications, it is one of the "stars" among the modern supplements.


Use only in diluted form, avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
Strictly follow the instructions regarding the dosage!
Directions: grow at the rate of 20-40 drops to 200-250 ml of water or juice.
Recommended dosage:
    normal - 20 drops in a glass 3 times a day;
    forced - 40 drops in a glass 3 times a day.

OxyMax ~ Stabilizovani kiseonik

Bez odgovarajućeg snabdevanja kiseonikom, naše telo neće optimalno funkcionisati. OxyMax® kapi sadrže molekule stabilizovanog kiseonika koji dospeva u krvotok tokom varenja. Ova forma koju telo može lako da iskoristi potpomaže u smanjenju štetnih efekata životne sredine, a povećava i naše fizičke performanse. U gradovima u kojima je vazduh zagađen i u kojima je količina kiseonika u vazduhu smanjena, kao i u slučaju povećane potražnje za kiseonikom tokom sportskih aktivnosti ili fizičkog rada,  OxyMax® može da bude od pomoći!
Biološka formula stabilizovanog kiseonika za dodatno snabdevanje organizma kiseonikom.
Sadrži 12 000 molekula kiseonika na milion delova. (Upoređenja radi: u vodovodnoj vodi je ova vrednost 5-7, a u potoku 10-12.)
Kao posledica industrijalizacije i zagađenja životne sredine koju povlači za sobom, postepeno se smanjuje količina kiseonika u vazduhu, što znači da ljudski organizam nema zadovoljavajući izvor kiseonika. lstovremeno, civilizacijski procesi zahtevaju sve više napora od organizma, pri čemu rastu potrebe za kiseonikom. Znači, dok s jedne strane imamo povećanje potrebe za kiseonikom, na drugoj strani izvori kiseonika su sve siromašniji.
Stabilizavani kiseonik dopunjuje organizam energijom, popravlja fiziološke procese, razmenu materija i krvotok, ublažava simptome disajnih poremećaja.
Poboljšava apsorpciju vitamina, minerala, aminokiselina i lekovitih biljaka u organizmu.

Poboljšava kapacitet fizičkih aktivnosti i značajno povećava učinak sportista. Stabilizovani kiseonik nam je dostupan u obliku molekula, a u krvotok dospeva preko digestivnog trakta. Karakteristike stabilizovanog kiseonika su: izuzetno je stabilan i u takvoj formi je postojan i vise godina, a organizam ga veoma lako apsorbuje.
Preparat stabilizovanog kiseonika uništava infektivne bakterije i parazite. Stoga je veoma dobra zaštita od bakterijskih, glivičnih, protozoalnih i virusnih infekcija.


Pakovanje:    60 ml
Upoteba:    Pomešati 20 kapi OxyMax-a u 2,5 dl tečnosti.

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