CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

среда, 11. септембар 2024.

🍊 ✨ 👓 Vitamini za oči i oštar vid - Lutein PLUS 👓 ✨ 🍊


Kome se preporučuju vitamini za oči ?
  • Onima čije su oči izložene dodatnom naporu (upotreba računara, gledanje televizije, vožnja, upotreba uređaja za klimatizaciju, loše i/ili veštačko osvetljenje)
  • Svima iznad 40 godina starosti
  • U slučaju očnih oboljenja nastalih kao posledica starenja (npr. AMD)
  • Svima kojima je važno da očuvaju oštar vid i zdravlje svojih očiju.

Lutein Plus je kompleksni  antioksidantni preparat, koji je namenjen specifično za očuvanje  zdravlja očiju. Vitamini za oči mogu predstavljati efikasnu pomoć za svakoga, ko ima  izraženo opterećenje očiju u vidu dugotrajnog rada na računaru ili je  izložen veštačkom osvetljenju.

Lutein Plus je jedna  prava antioksidantna bomba, čiji aktivni sastojci u velikoj meri mogu  doprineti očuvanju zdravlja očiju.

Glavni sastojak je lutein,  koji je jedna posebna vrsta antioksidanta. Akumulira se u žutoj mrlji u  očima, gde efikasno pomaže procese odbrane od štetnog dejstva slobodnih  radikala, kao i u sprečavanju štetnih zraka svetlosti na oko. Macula  lutea (žuta mrlja) na mrežnjači (retina) zauzima središnji deo, oko 6mm  površinu, koja je odgovorna za jasan vid. Ta regija se uglavnom koristi  najviše kada se čita ili prilikom rada sa stvarima u neposrednoj  blizini. Retina je tkivo koje sadrži ćelije koje su osetljive na  svetlost. Slika koja se stvara pogledom na neki objekat, se prosleđuje  nervima ka mozgu. Konzumiranje dnevno 6 mg (t.j. jedna kapsula)  luteina u kombinaciji sa zdravim načinom života može značajno doprineti  efikasnom očuvanju zdravlja naših očiju. Drugi glavni aktivni sastojak  pored luteina je zeaksantin, koji je takođe antioksidativno  karotinoidno jedinjenje, koje se akumlira u očima. Zeaksantin  stabilizuje membrane, čime doprinosi jačanju odbrane membrane retine od  štetnog dejstva zraka svetlosti.

Lutein Plus sadrži još i borovnicu,  koja sadrži jednu od najvažnijih biljnih materija za zaštitu očiju,  koja uz pomoć svojih anticijanida pomaže pravilno funkcionisanje retine,  očuvanje zdravog nivoa kolagena u očima, kao i u zaštiti kapilara od  štetnog dejstva slobodnih radikala.Vitamin A je neophodan za dobar vid.
Lutein  Plus se može preporučiti svakome ko želi da doprinese zaštiti zdravlja  svojih očiju i očuvanju jasnog vida. Naravno, antioksidativni efekat  koji ovaj preparat ostvaruje od koristi je i drugim organima i  metaboličkim procesima u telu.

6 mg
0,5 mg
Vitamin C
50 mg
Vitamin A (retinol acetat)
0,2 mg
Ekstrakt borovnice
25 mg
Pakovanje:    60 kapsula
Upotreba:    1 kapsula dnevno


LUTEIN PLUS – for bright eyes and sharp vision

Lutein Plus is a complex antioxidant formula we have developed especially to support the health of the eyes. It may be an efficacious help for everyone whose eyes are exposed to increased strain; for example those working with computers or in artificial light.

Lutein Plus is a real antioxidant bomb, whose active ingredients help preserve the health of the eyes. Its main active ingredient isLutein, a special antioxidant. It accumulates in the eyes, primarily in its macula layer, where on the one hand it protects against free radicals, and on the other hand it helps defend eyes against the harmful effects of light. Macula (macula lutea) is an approximately 6 mm area that occupies the middle part of the retina, which is the spot of sharp vision we use mainly when reading or working with something close to our eyes. The retina is a tissue containing the light sensing cells of the eye. The retina forwards the image arriving to the eyes from an object to the brain. Consuming a daily amount of 6 mg (that is already 1 capsule) of Lutein, along with a healthy way of life, may effectively support the health of our eyes. The other main component of the formula is Zeaxanthin, which frequently used in combination with Lutein, is also an antioxidant compound belonging to the carotenoids, which accumulates in the eyes. Zeaxanthin stabilizes membranes, by which it participates in the defense of the membrane of the retina against light.

Lutein Plus also includes one of the most important plant substances for the eyes, bilberry, which contain antocyanines, which help maintain the normal functioning of the retina, preserve the healthy level of collagen content of the eye and moreover they protect the health of capillaries against the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamin A is indispensable for good vision. Lutein Plus is recommended to everyone for whom the preservation of sharp eyesight is important. Of course its antioxidant effect prevail not only in the eyes but in other organs and metabolic processes as well.

  • Those whose eyes are exposed to extra strain (use of computer, watching television, driving, use of air conditioner, bad and/or artificial lighting),
  • everyone over the age of 40,
  • in the case of age-related eye conditions (e.g. AMD),
  • everybody who finds it important to preserve their sharp sight and the health of their eyes.
The oxygen consumption of the retina is higher than that of any other tissue, which in turn results in the generation of higher quantities of free radicals. If you add to this that the eyes are most exposed to light of all our organs, including UV-A and UB-B radiation, which also increase the production of free radicals in an environment that is full of unsaturated fatty acids and other vulnerable compounds, it is easy to see that the antioxidant protection of the eyes must not be neglected in order to preserve your eye-sight as long as possible.
The most important causes of age-related macula degeneration (AMD), a condition responsible for 90% of all blindness, are believed to be oxidative stress, aging and smoking. All three factors involve the destructive effects of free radicals and the insufficient amount of antioxidants consumed with the diet.
Several studies have shown that the intake of lutein and zeaxanthin are inversely proportional with the risk of developing AMD and cataract and that these substances are important for the preservation and suppression of these conditions. This is not surprising if we know that these antioxidant colour pigments are the carotenoids accumulated in the retina in the highest quantities. (The retina is the light-sensitive layer of the eye; its task is to transform light and then transfer the signals through rods and cones.)
The main task of carotenoids found in Lutein Plus, indispensible for the healthy functioning of the eyes, is to protect the eyes from high energy level light and free radicals and to improve sharpness of vision and colour sight. Our diet mainly contains them in the form of green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli or Savoy cabbage. However, it is these vegetables and fruits (and thus antioxidants) that are consumed in insufficient amounts with an unbalanced diet. Furthermore, the quality of these food products is also questionable in many cases and the absorption of lutein and zeaxanthin is restricted (between 19-38% according to in vitro studies).
Since there are a number of risk factors that we simply cannot decrease (age, inheritance), it is essential to compensate this with carotenoids protecting eye health. In Lutein Plus, we coupled these two important antioxidants with vitamins C and A and blueberry extract, whose anthocyanins support the protection and functioning of the eyes in a targeted way.
Do all you can for your eye-sight!

Lutein   6 mg
Zeaxanthin   0,5 mg
Vitamin C   50 mg
Vitamin A   0,2 mg
Bilberry Fruit extract (std. 25% anthocyanosides)   25 mg


Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
Keep out of reach of young children.
Packing: 60 Capsules
Dosage: 1 capsule daily
Daily dosages in a bottle: 60

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