CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

уторак, 30. мај 2017.

Energy & Memory (90 tabl. )

Energy & Memory (improve memory, focus)

California Fitness, USA
     Exclusively distrybuted worldwide by CaliVita International
Quantity: 90 tablets.
     Amount per each tablet:
Choline 200 mg
Magnesium 50 mg
Lecithin 100 mg
Guarana 100 mg
Zinc 5 mg
Vitamin C 60 mg
Selenium 20 mcg
Vitamin E 10 mg 
The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients Due to its composition, supplement Energy & Memory helps the normal course of all processes in our bodies, especially in long-term physical or emotional stress. The drug helps to overcome the stress-inducing strain, gives vigor, refreshing and gives the body energy, so you can easily cope with any difficulties!
This supplement provides a good "feel" of your brain, helps restore nervous tissue and muscles, increases concentration and improves memory.

Guarana. The main active substance of guarana is caffeine, which speeds up the metabolism and the production of heat, increases energy and removes fatigue. As the results of tests, guarana increased physical activity and endurance athletes. It also improves heart and circulatory system, as well as carbohydrate metabolism. Guarana promotes lipolysis, a narrowing of pores, improves the outflow of venous blood, increases the tone of the capillary vessels, which is important for the prevention of venous ulceration.
Lecithin and choline. Both substances are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system. Lecithin is beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Choline plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses.
Magnesium. Playing an important role in a balanced work of the nervous system and the work of muscles. Is required for enzyme activity, as well as to maintain the calcium-potassium balance in the body.
Vitamin E. As a powerful antioxidant, plays an important role in the protection of polyunsaturated fatty acids from oxidation, ensuring the normal functioning of cells.
Vitamin C. Antioxidant, nesessary for normal functioning of the nervous system. Participates in the formation of connective tissue, maintains healthy skin, gums, bones and cartilage.
Zinc. Participates in the immune system. Promotes cell division, restore the integrity of the skin structure.
Selenium. Participates in the production of energy, thyroid hormones, as well as normalization of metabolic processes. Improves the immune system. Thanks to its powerful antioxidant action that protects cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamins C, E and selenium act synergistically, mutually reinforcing action of each other.
The specific composition of the Energy & Memory is very well suited for car drivers in big cities, as well as everybody who have come a long way behind the wheel. Guarana Toning effect lasts much longer than the effects of coffee, and does not cause any unpleasant consequences. In addition, Energy & Memory reliably protects professional drivers from the effect of exhaust gases and improve concentration.
Recommended dosage: 3 x 1 tablets a day after meals.

Energy & Memory (90 tableta)

3.532 din 2.649 din


Energy & Memory je kompleksni dijetetski suplement koji daje stimulativan efekat uz pomoć prirodnog kofeina iz guarane, lecitina, vitamina koji poboljšavaju mentalne i fizičke aktivnosti, kao i minerala i antioksidanata. Ovaj proizvod smo razvili za one koji preferiraju prirodne načine za očuvanje performansi i koncentracije tokom perioda mentalnog i fizičkog napora.
Kome preporučujemo?
– Osobama koje podnose veliki mentalni napor, kao što su studenti tokom ispitnih perioda, zaposleni koji su izloženi velikoj količini stresa, u cilju očuvanja koncentracije i pomoći u borbi protiv umora
– Sportistima i osobama koji podnose veliki fizički napor, u cilju povećanja njihovih performansi
– Osobama koje su na dijeti namenjenoj mršavljenju
– Vozačima, za bolju pažnju i reflekse
– Svima koji žele da se bore protiv umora i poboljšaju opšte zdravstveno stanje

Energy & Memory activne supstance/tableta:
Holin (Vitamin B8) 200 mg
Gvarana ekstrakt (st. 22% kofein) 100 mg
Lecithin 100 mg
Vitamin C 60 mg
Vitamin E 10 mg
Magnezijum 50 mg
Cinc 5 mg
Selen 20 mcg
Upotreba: 3×1 tableta dnevno.

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