CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

среда, 1. март 2017.

CaliVita® Organic Acai

CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 16 OZ (473 ml)
     Ingredients: One daily dose contains
     Concentrated extract of Acai berries....................... 30 000 mg

The product is made of high quality natural ingredients
from organic farming Acai is exotic fruit that grows in the Amazon rain forests. Berries are extremely rich in antioxidants and contains vitamins B1, B2, C and E, niacin, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and various amino acids. They contain a lot of fiber, but relatively little of sugar.

Aborigines of South America have long used Acai berries to treat different problems, such as skin diseases, menstrual pain, digestive problems, but also for the treatment of diabetes, heart disease and various cancers. Due to the fact that Acai berries can not withstand transportation, until recently, their healing properties were little known outside the South American continent.

Except unusually high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential, Acai berries have a number of other medicinal properties. Acai in the short term has gained popularity as a great tool for weight loss; it also contributes to reducing high blood pressure and the risk of heart attack as well as cancers; it increases the body's resistance, improves eyesight, improve the nervous system and digestion; and finally, it prolongs youth of the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and has beneficial effects on appearance and beauty.
CaliVita® Organic Acai contains 100% concentrated juice of Acai berries, not diluted by other components. It was obtained from a crop grown on certified eco-farms, where only organic farming practices are used. Therefore organic berries contain more nutrients and are much more fragrant. This tasty and healthy product provides powerful antioxidant support for your entire family!

  1. After opening, store the bottle in the fridge!
  2. Not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  3. People with kidney disease should consult a doctor before taking the drug because of its high content of potassium.
  4. Not recommended for those who take immunosuppressants.
  5. The product does not replace a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.
  6. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose!
  7. Keep out of reach of children!
Recommended dosage: 2 tbsp daily.

Organic Acai (473 ml)

Jedno od senzacionalnih otkrića poslednjih godina je Acai (izgovara se kao: asai), bobičasto voće koje endemski raste u kišnim prašumama Amazonije. Nakon što je postalo opšte poznato, da indijanci iz Južne Amerike koriste ovu biljku za tretiranje brojnih problema, savremena nauka je uposlila naučnike, koji i dalje stalno rade na proučavanju blagotvornih dejstva koje ovo voće poseduje na zdravlje.

Plodovi ovog voća su tamno ljubičaste boje, imaju skoro pravilan loptast oblik, njegove bobice su za nijansu manje od bobica grožđa.

Acai (asai) je za veoma kratko vreme postao poznat u svetu i opravdano dobio naziv “Kralja svih supervoća”.

Mnogi njegov ukus porede sa mešavinom crnog vina i čokolade.

Pošto voće gubi većinu svojih hranljivih vrednosti već u roku od 24 časa nakon berbe, kako bi se isto sprečilo, obrađuje se odmah nakon branja i uglavnom se stavlja u promet u vidu kaše ili soka.

Kome se preporucuje?
Za osobe koje žele snažnu antioksidantnu zaštitu.
Kao dodatak dijetama za smanjenje telesne težine.
Za sve one koji žele dodatno sredstvo od prirodnih sastojaka kao dopunu terapije protiv metaboličkog sindroma.
Za one osobe koje bi želele da poboljšaju otpornost organizma.
Da bi se pružila dodatna podrška za uravnoteženo funkcionisanje organizma.

Da li ste znali?

Ima visok sadržaj vlakana,a istovremeno sadrži jako malo šećera.
Acai je izuzetno bogat antioksidantima.

Acai sadrži vitamine B1, B2, C i E, niacin, gvožđe, kao i kalijum, fosfor, kalcijum i razne aminokiseline.

100% acai, bez dodatka drugog voća

Organic Acai odgovara odredbama klasifikacije organskih proizvoda u SAD-u i Evropi – 100% organski acai

Tečni proizvod – lako se primenjuje

Takođe i za decu •Prirodna, egzotična aroma

Bez veštačkih konzervansa •Bez dodatog šećera •Bez veštačkih boja •Bez veštačkih pojačivača ukusa

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