CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

четвртак, 30. јун 2016.

E-Protect Family from CaliVita®

1x E-Protect Disc, 1x E-Protect Card and 2x E-Protect Stickers
All electronic devices and transmission facilities emit electromagnetic waves. In recent years, the sharp increase in the use of mobile electronic devices and wireless technology means the average person is subjected to a constant and ever increasing barrage of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation may be invisible but  has  potentially adverse effects on  optimum health and well-being. With this in mind the E-Protect Family from CaliVita® Electronics is intended to help provide protection against the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMF).


The E-Protect Sticker must be applied directly onto your electronic device. On the back of your phone, on your laptop, monitor, microwave oven, dashboard of your car, etc.. Make sure to apply one onto each device you use.


The E-Protect Card works best when kept near the body. Place it in your pocket, handbag or wallet. Give one to every member of  your family, especially to your  children.

For maximum protection, keep the E-Protect Disc in its original holder and place it facing towards you in an upright standing position on your desk, in your living room or bedroom or any other area where you are surrounded with electronic devices. Use at least one Disc in every place where you are surrounded by  EMF.

Did you know?

that children have higher water content in their body and EMF can penetrate deeper into their brains? It is best not to keep a mobile phone in use, directly next to a child’s head.
Retail price 188.50 € Club price 145.00 €


Porodica proizvoda za zaštitu od elektrosmoga


Za postizanje maksimalnog učinka zaštite, E-Protect Disc treba držati u originalnoj kutiji, okrenut prema Vama u uspravnom položaju na radnom stolu, dnevnoj ili spavaćoj sobi, ili bilo kojoj drugoj prostoriji gde se nalaze električni uređaji. Preporučujemo Vam da koristite po jedan uređaj na svakom mestu, na kojem ste okruženi EMF zračenjem!

Kome preporučujemo?

Svi električni uređaji emituju elektromagnetno zračenje. U poslednjih nekoliko godina došlo je do naglog rasta i ekspanzije primene savremenih mobilnih telefona i drugih uređaja bežične tehnologije, što je dovelo do toga, da je prosečna osoba izložena stalnom i sve većem uticaju elektromagnetnog zračenja. Elektromagnetno zračenje je nevidljivo, ali potencijalno može biti štetno za zdravlje. CaliVita® Electronics  je razvila E-Protect porodicu proizvoda sa ciljem da pruži zaštitu od štetnog uticaja elektromagnetnog zračenja (EMF).

Da li ste znali?

Da li ste znali, da deca imaju veći sadržaj vode u telu, i da zbog toga EMF zračenje može da prodre dublje u njihov mozak? Preporučuje se, da se mobilni telefoni prilikom korišćenja ne drže u blizini glave dece.

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