CaliVita Inspiracija 2021 - Zoom 1 - 25. maj 2021.

среда, 10. фебруар 2016.

~ Pripremite se za sezonu gripa! ~ Super Mega 50 -high dose multivitamin formula

 Kao što to već svi znamo, kada stigne hladnije vreme, to podrazumeva i pojavu gripa. Prilično je teško odbraniti se čak i kada smo zdravi, ali postoje i određena stanja koja spadaju u rizičnije grupe za dobijanje gripa, pošto njihov imuni sistem može biti smanjene odbrambene mogućnosti naspram infekcija. Ta grupa obuhvata decu, trudnice, starije i osobe sa hroničnim obolenjima. Bez obzira na to, što Vi pripadate grupi povišenog rizika ili ne, suplementacija može biti od koristi za pružanje podrške imunom sistemu i poboljšanje Vaših mogućnosti za izbegavanje određenih neprijatnosti koje su povezane sa prehladama i gripom. CaliVita® International ima nekoliko proizvoda koji su namenjeni za pružanje napredne podrške zdravlju imunog sistema.
SambuRex je specijalna mešavina koncentrovane esencije crne zove sa ehinaceom, astragalusom i vitaminom C u tečnom obliku koji se veoma brzo apsorbuje. Crna zova je nedavno privukla puno pažnje, pošto je jedna studija koja je vršena 2009-e ** ukazala na to, da možda može biti od pomoći ne samo u ublažavanju neugodnih simptoma prehlade i gripa (groznica, glavobolja i bolovi u mišićima), već takođe i u smanjenju vremena potrebnog za oporavak. Ehinacea je popularni dodatak mnogim sredstvima koja su namenjena za tretiranje prehlade, pošto određene studije sugerišu da može biti od pomoći za jačanje otpornosti organizma, kao i da smanji simptome i vreme trajanja prehlade i gripa. Kako bi dopunuli i pojačali imuno-jačajuće dejstvo vitamina C, preporučujemo Vam još jedan popularan tečni kompleksni proizvod: Liquid C + bioflavonoidi sa šipkom. Ovaj tečni preparat odličnog ukusa je dodatno ojačan sa blagotvornim bioflavonoidima i ne sadrži veštačke arome, boje ili zaslađivače, pa Vam na najbolji način obezbeđuje vitalne nutrijente kako bi što zdravije prebrodili zimske mesece. Deca veoma često nemaju baš zdrav način ishrane. Kids Greens su žvakaće tablete namenjene deci, kako bi uz njihovu pomoć osigurali našim najmanjima sve neophodne mikronutriente u vidu specijalne mešavine, koja im je itekako potrebna tokom sezone gripa. Super Mega 50 je ultimativna mešavina vitamina i minerala namenjena za odrasle, sa sadržajem 34 različita ključna mikronutrienta po pojedinačnoj tableti. U pitanju je jednostavna i veoma zgodna metoda koja osigurava Vašem metabolizmu da dobije neophodnu podršku tokom perioda povećane potražnje za hranljivim materijama. Bez obzira na to, da li obavljate težak fizički rad, ili se bavite sportom ili ste izloženi uticaju stresa, ili zimskoj hladnoći, Super Mega 50 je tu da Vam obezbedi neophodnu zaštitu.

Super Mega 50

Dosage: 3x1 tablet daily

Super Mega 50 is a high dose multivitamin formula recommended for adults and athletes. It contains the daily vitamin and mineral demands in ideal proportions and compositions. This product has been formulated to disintegrate over a longer period of time for absorption purposes (delayed release).
Formula for people who have an increased need for vitamins and minerals: patients and convalescents, athletes, people who live an active life. Vitamins are vitally important organic compounds, absolutely necessary for the growth and development of the organism, for vitality and general physical well-being, because they regulate a number of chemical reactions and are essential cofactors for enzymes critical for cell metabolism. The human body or does not produce or produces the insufficient quantities, so they got to be entered through nutrition.  No so long ago, back 50 years, European people have spent 2.5 times more vegetables than they do today.  At the same time the same amount of fruits and vegetables today, compared with the ones 50 years ago, has much lower content of nutrients. This is a study report conducted at University of Texas, published in December 2004 in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Researchers from Harvard  specifically warned that suboptimal doses  of essential nutrients, especially folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, vitamins C and E are the risk factors for the development  of many diseases faced by today’s man. Modern technology process and storage of food, its heat treatment – most of essential nutrients are lost. High-calorie food with lots of fat, carbohydrates and white sugar, requires significantly higher intake of vitamins and minerals than they contain our meal’s ingredients.
The quality multivitamin supplementation is a first step to health promotion.
  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
7500I.U. BetaCarotene, 250mg VitaminC, 400I.U. Vitamin D, 100I.U. Vitamin E, 50mg Vitamin B1, 50mg VitaminB2, 50mg Niacin, 50mg Pantothenic acid, 50mg Vitamin B6, 200mcg Folic acid, 50mcg Vitamin B12, 50mg Choline, 50mg Inositol, 50mg PABA, 50mcg Biotin, 25mg Rutin, 25mg Bioflavonoid complex, 5mg Hesperidin complex, 5mg Lglutathione, 25mg LCysteine, 5mg Rose hips, 108mg Calcium, 25mg Magnesium, 150mcg Iodine, 15mg Zinc, 3mg Manganese, 9mg Iron, 500mcg Copper, 25mcg Selenium, 100mcg Chromium, 1mg Boron, 250mcg Molybdenum

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