CaliVitin Omega 3 koncentrat sadrži visoke količine omega 3 masnih kiselina poreklom iz ribljeg ulja, koje potpomažu održavanje odgovarajućeg nivoa triglicerida i dobrog kardiovaskularnog zdravlja, kao i obezbeđuju dobre moždane funkcije.   Određena istraživanja se bave pitanjem da li postoji veza izmedu načina ishrane i kardiovaskularnih obolenja. Ukoliko postoji kakva je ta veza?

Poznata je činjenica da su ove bolesti jedva poznate među eskimima sa Grenlanda, iako je njihova ishrana izuzetno bogata mastima. Kod Eskima zahvaljujući velikom unosu ribe i plodova mora, omega-3 masne kiseline čine čak 13,1% ukupnog sadržaja masti u hrani, čak 10 puta više nego kod stanovništva Srednje Evrope što rezultuje time da je učestalost srčanog infarkta 400 puta manja. Za optimalnu funkciju nervnog sistema takođe je potrebna velika količina nezasićenih masnih kiselina, pa njihova primena može dovesti do poboljšanja i u slučaju oboljenja nervnog sistema (multipla skleroza, poremećaji pažnje i koncentracije kod dece, depresija).

  Esencijalne masne kiseline, odnosno prostaglandini kao antiupalne supstance, delotvorno se primenjuju u tretmanu mnogih hroničnih upala.

Tako se kod reumatskih bolesti, nakon višemesečnog uzimanja, znatno smanjuje jutarnja ukočenost i bolovi u zglobovima.

Mnogim obolelima od psorijaze, omega-3 je delotvorno sredstvo kojim se postižu značajni pomaci u otklanjanju simptoma bolesti, a pored toga, nezasićene masne kiseline štite kožu i čine je lepšom.  

Kod osoba koje redovno uzimaju omega-3, odbrambena sposobnost organizma prema infekcijama je veća, jer ove masne kiseline jačaju imunitet. Novija istraživanja takođe ukazuju na to, da se značajno smanjuje hiperaktivnost i nasilje u školama, dok se istovremeno povećava sposobnost učenja, ukoliko je ishrana dece obogaćena omega 3 masnim kiselinama.

  Dopuna ishrane omega 3 masnim kiselinama smatra se i značajnim delom prevencije malignih bolesti. Šta više, novija istraživanja najavljuju veliku ulogu EPA i DHA masnih kiselina u dopunskoj terapiji malignih oboljenja.

CaliVitin Omega 3 koncentrat obezbeduje visoke količine EPA i DHA u visoko koncentrisanom prečišćeno riblje ulje. Manje kapsule se lakše gutaju i ujedno su prijatnije za korišćenje za decu i starije, pa čak i za trudnice. 

  • Visokokoncentrovano riblje ulje          600 mg                                
  • EPA (eikozapentainoicna kiselina)     180 mg                        
  • DHA (dekozaheksanoicna kiselina)    120 mg

Upotreba:      Ukoliko lekar drugačije ne odredi, 1-3 želatinske kapsula dnevno.
Fatty acids derived from quality fish oil enriched with vitamin E are effective tool in preventing blood vessel and heart disease. They are considered essential because the organism cannot synthesize it; must be introduced by food. Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid). 
Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the synthesis of prostaglandins, substance that help to reduce high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, inhibit platelet clots or blood. This reduces the risk of blood vessels blockage and the occurrence of a hearth attack. 
It is a known fact that Eskimo population barely knows this diseases and their diet is very rich with fish and seafood. At Eskimo diet omega-3 fatty acids are 13.1% of total fat content in the food, even ten times more than the population of Central Europe.
Optimal function of nervous system also requires large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, their use can lead to improvements in the case of the nervous system diseases (multiple sclerosis, attention and concentration disorders in children, depression). 
Essential fatty acids are anti-inflammatory substances, effectively used in in the treatment of many chronic inflammations. In the rheumatic disease, after months of use, reduces morning stiffness and joint pain. For many people suffering from the psoriasis omega-3 is effective means in eliminating the symptoms of disease. 
For people who regularly take Omega-3 defensive ability of the organism to the infections is much higher.
According to the research conducted by the American scientist Dr. David P. Rose, taking Omega-3 reduces the chance of lung and colon cancer.
Recent research in this area announces a major role of EPA and DHA fatty acids in the treatment of malignances. It was discovered that a moderate dose of Omega-3 increases effectiveness of treatment in breast cancer and good results were achieved with prostate cancer.

  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 20 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
600mg Highly concentrated fish oil, 180mg EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), 120mg DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)